Real Revival is the alignment of the soul to the moves of the Holy Spirit - Chairman1

Real Revival Is The Alignment Of The Soul To The Moves Of The Holy Spirit – Chairman

“Real revival is at the point of alignment of the soul to the moves of the Holy Spirit. It is the adjustment of the soul to the workings of the Spirit, the desires and promptings of the Spirit. Real revival is the alignment of the believer’s soul to the word of God; it is at this point when the soul says “Yes” to the Lord.”

These were revealed by the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, during Day Two of the ongoing 2020 Heads’ Meeting on Tuesday, December 1, 2020.

This year’s Heads’ Meeting is being held virtually via zoom and at regional level throughout the world.

Speaking in a sermon titled, “The Call For Revival,” Apostle Nyamekye stated that revival is not carrying Bibles and singing spiritual war songs. Neither is it about healing and deliverance nor the shouts of joy in church or replacing benches with single seats in the church. These, he stated, could be the manifestation of or effects of revival but they are not revival in and of themselves.

“Revival is not an event but about people. It is about a certain kind of a man or woman,” he explained.

He indicated that the call for revival today means a heavenly need of a certain kind of people, saying, “If we are calling for a revival, what it means is that heaven has to meet a certain kind of people.”

He explained that revival is always about a certain kind of Christians – men and women who are heaven made and have decided to make certain concessions of their lives to live for Christ. He said that such persons are ever ready to do anything to defend the cause of the gospel even at the peril of their lives.

Reading from Matthew 26: 38-39, he pointed out that Jesus’ soul was overwhelmed with sorrow because of the sufferings he had to go through since God’s will for him was the cross [to die a precarious death on the cross]. The will of God for Jesus, he said, could not change because what is written is written. He said that althougJesus’s soul was overwhelmed with sorrow, he subjected his will to the Master [God]. It was a critical moment for Jesus – a make or break in his life.

Quoting from Luke 22:36-37, he stated: “Though Jesus had his passion and will, he had to ensure that what was written about him come to pass. Because of this, he subjected his soul to that of the Master. It was at this point that he said, ‘Yes’ to the Lord.”

“Brothers and sisters, if we are calling for revival, then we need men and women who will submit their will, mind, emotions to the will of God.

“God is constantly at work in His creation; He is always speaking and it takes a receptive soul to connect. When one connects, that is the point of revival. That is where all things are done in new and fresh ways. At this point, one sees through the lenses of the Spirit, their eyes turn away from everything and fasten on Jesus.

“Men of revival are sicked with the evil they see; they are vexed with the things they see and hear; they will rather die than to see evil perpetuate. Sin makes them sick. Their only passion is the glory of God. And when their soul is consumed with the will of God, they will do anything to bring back the glory of God. These men are scarce to find. They are the people who cause revival. They are frustrated by the evils of the world.

With reference to 1 Kings 17:1-2, the Chairman expounded that believers who cause revival are prepared in the closet and they are released to the world, and that when their souls are aligned to the Spirit of God, there is no hindrance to the overflow of the power of God in them.

He added that the bodies of revived people adjust to the effect of the overflow of the anointing in their lives and it becomes glare for everyone to see, feel, and hear the revival and power of God in their lives. “This kind of life is notoriously infectious. Just as one COVID-19 person can infest many, so also can one revived person and a revived church affect many others and many churches.”


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