
PENSA International Breaks Ground In Singapore

Singapore is an Asian country predominantly made up of Malaysians, Chinese and Indians with an approximate population of 6 million. It is a developed country with good amenities and a near-perfect economy. Religions practised are Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism and there are also free thinkers and atheists. Although statistics show Christianity as the second-largest religion after Islam, the situation is not quite the same. Many Christians have fallen away from the faith while others hang loosely. 

Therefore, the gathering of about 17 young gallant professionals by PENSA International to possess the Asian nation for Christ could not have happened at a better time. 

Leaving behind their busy schedules and families, these persons marched forward with God’s word without knowing what truly awaited them. It was ten days of learning and unpredictable life in an unknown land. 

Indeed, it was a time of surrendering one’s will to that of God. From strict camp rules to several hours of prayer. These meetings were Spirit-filled; affirming the pouring out of the Spirit on all flesh as indicated by the Scriptures. 

Challenges arose, frustration set in, bodies gave up and the flesh threatened to take over. But in all these, they pressed on to the glory ahead. 

The Lord followed their efforts with signs and wonders; ears were opened, the blind could see, and the love and peace of God was greatly felt. To crown it all, 43 souls came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, 17 of whom have accepted to join the church and accepted to join the church. 

Perhaps, the best news of all is that, through this mission enterprise, The Church of Pentecost has broken ground in Singapore. With an appreciable number of members, The Church of Pentecost-Singapore now holds Wednesday Bible studies and Sunday services. The church has also secured a place for Sunday services. To God be the glory.

The 17 young missionaries returned from Singapore fulfilled and in awe of what the Lord had done through them.

Although the mission outreach to Singapore was no small feat, the Lord has granted the team great success; He indeed deserves praise. 

Report by PENSA International Media Team

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