Offinso Area Gets 220 New Officers


The Offinso Area of The Church of Pentecost has organized an ordination service for 220 new officers.

The new officers, drawn from 16 districts in the Area, comprised 47 elders, 84 deacons, and 89 deaconesses.

The service was officiated by the Area Head, Apostle Samuel Edzii Davidson.

At the same event, Apostle Samuel Edzii Davidson issued 55 certificates to the elders who have successfully completed the elders training courses for Cohorts 2 and 3, on behalf of the Vice Chancellor of Pentecost University, Apostle Prof. Kwabena Agyepong Koduah.

After congratulating the graduates, Apostle Davidson also charged them to serve the church faithfully with the knowledge they have acquired.

He disclosed that, due to the size and integrity of the church, officers are to be enriched with knowledge that will enhance their understanding of the work and equip them for the transformational agenda the church is pursuing to possess the nations.

Speaking on the topic, “Total Dedication to God for the Transformation Agenda,” Apostle Edzii Davidson admonished Christians, especially the newly ordained officers, to fully dedicate themselves to God and His work.

He said one’s dedication to God reflects how much they love Him, adding that God wants us to love Him the same way He loves us, and we do that by giving ourselves fully to Him.

“Dedicating oneself to God is to be sold out to Him,” he stressed. Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Esther, Daniel, and our early fathers, Apostle Davidson admonished all Christians to stand for Christ at all times and in all situations or circumstances.

Elaborating on how Christians must dedicate themselves to God, he said they must be addicted to God, stand for the interest and will of God, stand by God, stand for God, and live for God.

The Offinso Area Head prayed for fresh fire from above for the newly ordained officers, encouraging them to bring new energy and zeal to push the agenda of Christ.

Present at the event were all ministers and their wives in the Area, including Mrs. Winnifred Edzii Davidson (wife of the Area Head), all Area Executive members, officers, and members from all the districts.

Report by Offinso Area Media Team

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