MWC’20 Workshop Sessions Successful – Apostle Ankra-Badu


As part of efforts to ensure an effective implementation of the 5-year strategic vision of The Church of Pentecost dubbed: “Vision 2023 – Possessing the Nations”, the Track/Workshop sessions were organized for participants of the 7th Ministers and Wives Conference at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh

These workshop sessions sought to provide a platform throw more light on some newly-introduced interventions in Vision 2023 so that ministers would own the vision and ensure its effective implementation at their various duty station.

Speaking to MWC’20 News, the Chairperson for the Workshop/Track Session, Apostle Emmanuel Ofei Ankra-Badu (PEMEM Director), acknowledged the active participation and high interest of members during the sessions. He explained that the interactions were very engaging and provided the opportunity for some retired ministers to share their experiences and advice with the participants.

He opined that the leadership of the church acknowledges that the ministers are very crucial to the successful realization of Vision 2023, hence the need to engage them and train them to become Trainers of Trainers (TOT) at the area and district levels.

Apostle Ankra-Badu disclosed that 160 people made up of 40 Chairmen (Apostles & Area Heads), 40 facilitators, 40 rapporteurs and 40 volunteers (from PENSA Ghana) coordinated the workshops which were based on Plenary presentations and Discipleship & Small Group concepts.

Among the topics discussed during the workshop were Discipleship and Small Groups, the Role of Pastors in Discipleship and Personal Evangelism. The rest are: Raising Godly Children to Possess the Nations, and Living a Life of Integrity.


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