More Miracles Recorded In The Church Of Pentecost


God continues to manifest his great power through miracles in The Church of Pentecost as many people receive divine healings from various ailments and supernatural interventions and breakthroughs in life.

The eyes of the blind were opened, the paralysed walked, cancerous cells were healed, and couples were blessed with children after many years of marriage, among many other miracles recorded in the church in 2023.

‘The year has been marked by significant healings, deliverances from Satanic oppression, and numerous other miracles attesting to God’s presence in the church,’ said Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of the church, as he delivered the State-of-the-Church Address at the official opening of the 18th Session of the Extraordinary Council Meetings at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa in the Central Region on Wednesday, May 1, 2024.

The State-of-the-Church Address captured major happenings in the church in the 2023 calendar year.

Mentioning a few of the spectacular events in his report, Apostle Nyamekye disclosed that in the Pankrono District in Kumasi, a professional teacher (name withheld), who had been suffering from mental illness and wandering on the streets for seven years, was prayed for by the church and received instant healing. He has since been baptised in water and now fellowships with the Pankrono Central Assembly of the church.

A female medical doctor and her husband, who is an elder of the church at the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Sakumono in Accra, who had tried all medical means to have a child but to no avail, finally gave birth after 20 years of marriage through consistent prayers.

A 40-year-old woman at Kwame Danso in the Atebubu Area was miraculously healed from afflictive uterine fibroid during a prayer session held on Friday, June 9, 2023. She had earlier been booked for surgery, but the fibroid which was mass growing within her uterus disappeared after the prayers.

In Argentina, an Argentine member of the church who was down with a stroke, which disfigured her face, had a touch by the power of God. She went through many medical procedures and took different forms of medication, but never got healed. However, after many prayers by the saints, the Lord God delivered her, and she is very fine with a straight face.

In Australia, two young boys, ages five and six, who were deaf and dumb, were healed when the church prayed for them. They can now hear and speak perfectly.

Madam Rosi Rangel of the church in Brazil, who had earlier been diagnosed with cancer, was declared cancer-free after the church had prayed for her during a half-night service. In a follow-up examination, there were no cancer cells found in her body.

Maria da Graca Centeio Sao Filipe, who lives in the Fogo District of Cape Verde, through divine intervention was healed from bone pain she had suffered for five years. She was unable to walk or perform any task by herself. Despite undergoing various medical treatments, she was unable to find any relief. However, on June 28, 2023, she chose to accept Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour. After being prayed for, her health was fully restored within a day, and she resumed her normal daily activities despite being incapacitated for five years.

In Israel, an 8-year-old Sunday school girl was run over by a speeding vehicle in her Tel Aviv HaTikva neighbourhood on November 13, 2023, but walked away unharmed to the glory of God.

On Thursday, June 29, 2023, at about 10:40 pm, Pastor TCHONTO Kaferkadè of Togo, together with two youth members, were attacked by armed robbers on the Dassoute-Tampialim road. The pastor and his companions began to pray in tongues. Then the robbers trembled and threw the keys of the motorcycle they had seized back at them, then left them. By the grace of God, the Pastor and his companions returned home safe and sound.

To God alone be the glory for continuously performing more signs and wonders in his church. Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, is still in the miracle-working business; it will be your turn if you only believe in him.


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