Michel Camp District Youth Ministry Organises Maiden Preaching Contest1

Michel Camp District Youth Ministry Organises Maiden Preaching Contest

The Youth Ministry of Michel Camp District in the Ashaiman Area of The Church of Pentecost has organised a preaching contest dubbed, “Make Use of The Pulpit.”

The programme aimed at bringing young people in the District together and training them in the presentation of the word of God to complement the knowledge they have acquired from the ‘Read through the Bible a year Challenge.” This was in line with the vision of the Youth Ministry to ground young people of the Church in Christ.

The competition, which began on October 24, 2020, was held in three levels: first, second and third levels and the junior and senior categories. The first level allowed for participants to compete at the various nine local assemblies within the District. First winners for the Junior and senior categories in this level represented their local assemblies in the second level held on December 5, 2020. First, second, third and fourth winners in this level competed in the third level which was the grand finale held on January 2, 2021.

Two elders of the church, Keith Eubulus Ackah and Benjamin Ameyaw, who are Youth Evangelism and Discipleship Coordinator, and Assistant Area Evangelism Ministry Leader in the Ashaiman Area, respectively were judges for the contest.

At the end of the competition, Millicent Ackwah of Goshen Assembly emerged first whereas Nancy Dokli (Great Commission Assembly), Sandra Kumeuor (Bethel Assembly) and Josephine Ayittah (Maranatha Assembly) placed second, third and fourth respectively in the Junior category.

Gabriel Boakye of Goshen Assembly also emerged first in the senior category as Michael Mensah (Bethel Assembly) and Joseph Commietey (Great Commission Assembly) came second and third, respectively. The contestants for both junior and senior categories in the grand finale were duly awarded.

They expressed their heartfelt congratulations to the contestants for availing themselves to partake in the contest, which will build their confidence and help them to develop their spiritual lives in Christ, growing to become useful adults for Christ and humanity.

The District Youth Leader, Elder David Akwei Annor, mentioned in his closing remarks that the competition was also in line with the five-year overarching vision of the church to possess the nations for Christ.

He urged the youth to continue in the study of the word of God so that this habit would be inculcated in them as they mature to lead others to Christ, which is their contribution towards building a glorious church to possess nations for Christ.

Report by Elder William Gyasi

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