Lungu South Chief Lauds The Church Of Pentecost For Giving Them Church Building


The chiefs and people of Lungu South, near Bongo in the Upper East Region, have commended The Church of Pentecost for putting up a beautiful church building for the people of the community to worship God.

The chief of the community, Naba Amunga-Lungu, together with the Bolgatanga Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle David Amankwaa, on June 7, 2024, cut the tape to commission the Community-Based Church Building (CBCB) at the cost GHS 105,000.00.

Naba Amunga-Lungu seized the opportunity to appeal to the Area Head and the leadership of The Church of Pentecost to release funds for another church building to be constructed on a piece of land he has donated to the church around the palace so that he and his family members and kinsmen can have a nice place to worship God.

The Lungu South assembly in the Bongo District of the Bolgatanga Area of The Church of Pentecost was opened 23 years ago, thus in 2001 during the tenure of the late Pastor David Azagisiya. The members initially fellowshipped at the Father Lebel Memorial R/C Primary School, with Brother Francis Amogre Atinga (now a pastor in charge of the Bukere District in the Bolgatanga Area) as its first presiding officer.

The assembly grew in membership under the following district ministers – the late Pastor David Azagisiya, Pastor Fred Obboh, Pastor Thomas Anane, Pastor Peter Blood Asante Afful and currently, Pastor Evans Kwasi Bawomia, with the following as the presiding officers – Francis Amogre Atinga (now a pastor), Elder Isaac Abongo Adongo, Elder James Atanga and Elder Titus Amogre.

The construction of the church building began in 2018 during the tenure of Pastor Peter Blood Asante Afful, when a CBCB grant was released by the Headquarters. The land for the church building was donated by the Amogre-Atinga’s family of Lungu.

Work went on smoothly until the funds were exhausted, thereby stalling the project. In 2019, the district under the current minister, Pastor Bawomia, secured grants from the Bolgatanga Area while the assembly raised funds to complete the project.

Report by South Lungu Local Media Team

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