Kwahu For Christ Easter Outreach Records 623 Souls

“Kwahu For Christ” Easter Outreach Records 623 Souls

It was a great harvest this Easter as this year’s “Kwahu for Christ” evangelism outreach brought in 623 new souls into the kingdom of God.

The outreach, which took place from April 7 to 9, 2023, and also saw 96 backslidden Christians rededicating their lives to Christ.

Led by Elder Dr. Lawyer Ken Aboah, a National Executive Committee Member of the ministry and a trustee of The Church of Pentecost, the 50-member evangelism team arrived in Nkawkaw on Thursday night and received a warm welcome from the Nkawkaw Area Head, Prophet Forster Aniakwaa, and some ministers of the Church, including Pastor Joseph Onwona Adjei (Nkawkaw Area Evangelism Ministry Leader).

The evangelism team comprised of Gospel heralds, film evangelism, medical outreach, and outreach to Muslim teams.

During the three-day outreach, the team engaged in street evangelism, film evangelism, gospel tract distribution, house-to-house evangelism, and medical outreach.

At the Odweanoma Paragliding field in Atibie, the team led 66 people to Christ.

The medical team organised free medical screening and care exercises, benefiting about 270 residents of the Aworensua and Asuboni Rails communities.

The team also visited and  donated essential items, including bottled water, bags of rice, soft drinks, slippers, bedsheets, and clothing to the Fulani community in Pitiku.

At the Aweregya Community Park, the Evangelism Ministry organised a film evangelism exercise where 20 residents received Christ, resulting in the planting of an assembly in the community.

Perhaps, the most significant highlight of the outreach was the miraculous healing of Madam Agnes Agyemang from a stroke syndrome she had been battling for a year.

The 55-year-old woman, who could not stand on her feet, received instant healing after the team prayed for her, and she began to walk again.

To the glory of God, the “Kwahu for Christ” Outreach was a great success, recording 462 adult and 66 children souls. Also, 47 people underwent water baptism, whilst 19 received Holy Spirit baptism.


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