Kaneshie Area Ordains 72 New Officers


The Kaneshie Area of The Church of Pentecost has ordained 72 new officers to serve as elders, deacons and deaconesses of the Church.

The ordination took place at the Pentecost Convention Center on Friday, December 1, 2023 during the Area’s annual end-of-year prayer meeting, dubbed “Divine Encounter.”

The newly ordained officers, comprising 22 elders, 18 deacons, and 32 deaconesses, were draw from three districts of the Area, namely; Kaneshie, Abeka, and Darkuman Nyamekye.

The ordinands received guidance and instructions from Apostle Samuel Osei Asante, the Kaneshie Area Head and Executive Council Member of The Church of Pentecost, based on the word of God and the Constitution of the church.

Apostle S.O. Asante expressed gratitude to God for providing the church with qualified and dedicated personnel for leadership positions.

He also urged the church members to respect and honour the ordained officers as they carry out their duties.

The ordination service was graced by Apostle Emmanuel Gyesi Addo (Rtd), the former International Missions Director of The Church of Pentecost.

Also present at the service were Apostle Moses Ladejo, a former Executive Council Member, Mrs. Elizabeth Osei Asante, the wife of the Kaneshie Area Head, Pastor Paul Danso, the Area Secretary, and other pastors in the Kaneshie Area.

During the event, Apostle Emmanuel Gyesi Addo delivered a sermon on the theme, “Encountering God for Divine Direction in 2024.”

He explained that when a person encounters God, he or she is empowered to perform tasks and roles that he or she has not been formally trained or appointed for.

He cited the example of David, who always consulted God before making any major decision, as recorded in Psalm 91.

He, therefore, encouraged the Christians to follow David’s example and seek God’s face through prayer about the ensuing year.

Report by Joshua Heizel (Kaneshie Area Media Team)

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