Apostle SO

Kade Area Inaugurated

Newly created Kade Area of The Church of Pentecost in the Eastern Region has been inaugurated at a mammoth service held on Sunday, September 15, 2019.

The colourful event was officiated by the Koforidua Area Head, Apostle Samuel Osei Asante, who also doubles as the Chairman of the Eastern Regional Coordinating Committee.

The service was also used to welcome the first Area Head, Apostle Lawrence Otu Nyarko, and his family.

The Kade Area which was carved out from the Asamankese and Oda Areas comprises 19 districts.

Speaking at the service on the theme, “Re-focusing on the purpose of the existence of the church,” Apostle Asante, who is also a Member of the Executive Council,  described Vision 2023 of the Church as timely, and remarked that everyone in the Church has been called by God for a purpose and together, we shall possess the nations.

“The world today is ruled by perverse worldviews and prophetism which is predominantly in Africa in this contemporary generation,” he said, adding, “The church’s mandate, therefore, is to rise by raising true prophets and people of God who will counter these false prophets and their activities.”

Reading from 2 Timothy 4:1-8, he mentioned that the time predicted by Apostle Paul is now. “Timothy was charged to preach the word, prepare in season and out of season, correct, rebuke and encourage, and endure hardship. But the church is directly faced with contrary worldviews, the desire and taste for miracles are the motivating factors with which many people go to church today.

“It is, therefore, a necessity for every church leader and Christian to receive the power of the Holy Spirit to offer genuine service to the needy, spiritually and morally,” he stressed.

He described the church as the called out ones who have been unleashed into the world as agents of transformation. By extension, he added, the church must be a worshipping church, edifying and strengthening its members, evangelizing and engaging in spiritual warfare.

Concluding his sermon, Apostle Samuel Osei Asante charged Christians to unite in order to confront every opposing worldview that the church is faced with. “We are the hope of the world and Jesus Christ is counting on us to redeem this dark dispensation,” he said.

Present at the service were Apostles A. E. K. Ekuban, Suhum Area Head, Seth Asomaning, Oda Area Head, and Pastor Isaac Ekow Eshun, Asamankese Area Head. Others were Apostle Moses Ayitey (Rtd), Apostle Emmanuel Achim Gyimah (Rtd), Prophet Peter Baffuor Appiah Adu (Rtd), and the pastorate of Asamankese Area.

Report by Pastor Eliezer Yaw Arkoh-Larbi, Asamankese.

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