Jema Nkwanta District Holds Youth Empowerment Summit web

Jema Nkwanta District Holds Youth Empowerment Summit

The Jema Nkwanta District in the Kintampo Area of The Church of Pentecost organised a day’s Youth Empowerment Summit on Saturday, November 18, 2023 at the Central Assembly church auditorium

The event, spearheaded by the District Youth Ministry, aimed at equipping and inspiring the next generation of leaders, igniting their passion for change in attitude and personal growth.

The Youth Empowerment Summit was a resounding success and brought together a diverse group of young individuals from 13 local Assemblies in the district, creating a dynamic atmosphere of fellowship and shared learning.

With the theme “Equipped and Repositioned for Maximum Impact,” the summit focused on developing personal devotional life, living as examples in a sex craze world, and becoming impact makers in the society.

The event began with an engaging keynote speech by the District  Minister, Pastor Prince Augustine Ababio, who mentioned that the programme has been running for the past four years.

He challenged the youth to ensure that whatever they learn from the summit should not end there but must be lived out in order to cause the expected impact in society. The address set the tone for the summit, urging attendees to step outside their comfort zones and embrace their potential as catalysts for positive change in and around their communities.

The first speaker, Overseer Ernest Hansen Larbi, the Area Youth Ministry Leader, speaking on the theme of the event, encouraged all and sundry to set a godly standard for themselves as people who are true reflections of Christ. He advised them to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, which has the ability to help them to live rightly as Christians.

Overseer Daniel Koranteng Kwagyiri, the Anyima District Minister, in turn, emphasised the need for personal devotional life.

He mentioned that the youth must ensure they develop an intimate relationship with Christ through consistent bible studies and prayer life.

He cautioned them not to allow social media take all their time to the neglect of constant communion with Christ.

He entreated them to seek for a place devoid of noise anytime they want to have a personal devotion, just like Jesus, who went to a secluded place (Mark 1:35).

The District Youth Ministry Leader, Elder Godfred Apeawin, gave the third presentation and entreated all and sundry to be salt and light in the world.

Speaking on the topic “The Youth in a Sex-Craze World,” he highlighted on how the world has been saturated with sexuality in all areas of life. This, he said, has increased pornography, fornication and other sexual behaviours amongst the youth. He drew the attention of the youth to the need to live above reproach, saying: “It is possible not to defile yourself as a Christian Youth amidst all the sexual pressures from all corners.”

Pastor Prince Augustine Ababio, in the final presentation on the topic “Dating and Courting Rightly” advised all and sundry to flee from any form of sexual engagements in the name of dating and courtship.

He explained that, sex was mainly created for the married, and for that reason, people must not be lured into believing that it can be done outside of marriage.

He cautioned that sex outside of marriage is a sin that is tantamount to punishment. He entreated all to be aware of the negative and ungodly signs in relationships and flee from them in order not to jeopardise their future.

He urged all school-going youth, especially the teenagers, to focus more on their books and not on entering into a relationship since the future glory can never be compared to the present.

The participants left the summit equipped and empowered, ready to tackle challenges head-on and make a difference in their communities.

Report by Jema Nkwanta Media Team

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