It’s A Great Privilege To Be Associated With The Church of Pentecost – Members Told


The Head of Ministerial Formation at the Pentecost School of Theology and Mission of Pentecost University (PU), Apostle Dr. Christian Tsekpoe, has iterated that The Church of Pentecost (CoP) is a divinely covenanted church and, therefore, ministers and members of The CoP should consider themselves privileged to be associated with the Church.

Apostle Dr. Tsekpoe said this yesterday when he spoke on the topic: “Repositioning Yourself in God’s Covenant for Maximum Impact” at the ministers and wives’ session of the ongoing Nsawam Area Ministers and Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation) at the Palm Assembly church auditorium.

Reading from Genesis 12:1-8, Dr. Tsekpoe, who doubles as a Resident Minister of A-Lang Worship Centre, explained that God’s covenant with Abraham was ultimately to make him a blessing to all people of the world.

“It is important to note that becoming a blessing is higher than being blessed because the former means that the individual would be blessed to the extent that the blessing becomes a spring that flows through them to bless others,” he explained.

Apostle Dr. Tsekpoe further read Galatians 3:25-29 to emphasise that every believer, by virtue of their faith in Christ, automatically becomes a legitimate party to the Abrahamic covenant.

Citing many instances in the Bible, including God’s covenant with Abraham, Dr. Tsekpoe explained that God’s promises come with some challenges that are meant to test the individual’s faith in the Lord.

He, therefore, stressed that, in times of great challenges, believers, particularly ministers, should hold on to the promise the Lord has made to them and remain faithful.

Apostle Tsekpoe also advised them to take a cue from Lot, who parted with his uncle, Abraham, the source of his blessing, in the time of conflict, resulting in dire consequences for himself and his family.

“The fact that God has promised you does not insulate you or immunise you from challenges. So, never part company with God’s Covenant,” he charged. Linking that with God’s Covenant with The CoP, the renowned theologian explained that the growth of The Church of Pentecost and its spread throughout the world was revealed in a covenant God established with the founding fathers of the Church as far back in 1931, which was also repeated in 1940 and 1948.

He noted that upon reflection, one could tell that God has been very faithful to His side of the covenant and it behoves ministers and members of the Church to honour their part of this divine contract.

To successfully passed on this covenant from this generation to the next, Apostle Dr. Tsekpoe stressed the need for ministers to teach their children and members about these covenants.

“At the 6th Extraordinary Council Meeting of the Church held in Koforidua in April 1999, the General Council decided that Church members are taught these covenants for them to know God’s fulfillment of His side of the Covenants and what they must do to fulfill their responsibilities in God’s plan for the Church,” he said.

He noted that although Lot was not a party to the Abrahamic covenant, his close association with his uncle saw him benefiting from the blessings of Abraham, saying that people who are blessed are contagious.

He, therefore, advised the Church members to continue to position themselves in the covenant of The Church of Pentecost and to share in The CoP’s divine mandate and blessings thereof.

Apostle Tsekpoe, however, warned that just as the blessing or anointing of God is contagious, it is equally dangerous because anyone who treats “God’s blessed or anointed” with contempt incurs the wrath of God.

He, therefore, advised them against castigating the Church or her leaders as this could lead to dire consequences.


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