It Is Finished Is A Victors Cry Apostle Dr. Okyere Walker - pix2

“It Is Finished” Is A Victor’s Cry – Apostle Dr. Okyere Walker

The Tarkwa Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker, has revealed that, “It is finished,” a statement Jesus Christ made on the cross in John 19: 30, is a “triumphant cry.”

He said this during a communion service at the J.W. Sackey Worship Centre on Sunday, 28th March, 2021.

Apostle Walker, a member of the Executive Council and former Vice-Chancellor of the Pentecost University, quoted Ecclesiastes 7:8 (The end of a matter is better than its beginning) and said that completing an assigned task is very important.

He explained that Jesus’ shouting on the cross that it is finished was not a mark of defeat or failure but a victor’s cry.

Systematically running the congregation through the words of Jesus on the cross, Apostle Dr. Walker mentioned that the first word of Jesus on the cross was “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” This, he said, was a word of forgiveness that Jesus prayed for his accusers and executioners.

The second was “Today you will be with me in Paradise” which was an assurance of salvation that he pronounced on the sinner on the cross. The third was “Woman, behold, thy son; son, behold thy mother” – a message of love. The next was a loud cry of why the Father had forsaken him. Then came the cry for water, and his victory cry of “it is finished.”

Explaining further, Apostle Dr. Walker mentioned that the Greek word for “It is finished” is “Tetelestai” which is a battle and a victory cry. He indicated that while Jesus was on the cross, he was battling with the ruler of the world – the devil.

“Therefore, by pronouncing ‘Tetelestai,’ Jesus declared that he has won the victory over the devil and has paid all our penalties of sin,” he stated.

Explaining Jesus’ motive for crying ‘Tetelestai’ on the cross, Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker said that Jesus meant that he has dealt with our sufferings, completed the command and the will of the Father and that all scriptures concerning his death have been fulfilled, with the ceremonial law being abolished, hence the abundance of grace for all who believe in him.

Report by Charles Edzie-Frimpong.

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