God Has Plan For Your Life – Pastor Nyame Encourages PWDs


The Coordinator for the Ministry to Persons with Disabilities (MPWDs) of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor Alexander Nyame, has assured parents of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) of God’s plan for their lives.

Speaking on the topic, ‘Becoming Fruitful’ based on John 15:5-16 at the 2024 Family Retreat for PWDs in Ho, Pastor Nyame stated the importance of remaining connected to Christ, just as a branch must remain attached to the tree to bear fruit.

He explained that God desired fruitfulness for humanity from the beginning of creation, starting with Adam and Eve. He further revealed that when God calls a person, He expects them to bear fruit.

Furthermore, he added that bearing fruit begins from childhood and continues into adulthood. According to him, there are two keyways to become fruitful: being deeply rooted in Christ and impacting the world.

Referencing Colossians 2:6-7, Pastor Nyame urged believers to be rooted in Christ, comparing their Christian life to a tree that relies on its roots for growth and stability, saying, ‘A tree without roots cannot grow.’

He likened discipleship to sowing seeds, stating that only seeds planted in good soil take root and flourish.

‘The root is responsible for bringing nutrients from the ground to the tree so that it can bear fruit. In the same way, as Christians, we need to be rooted in Christ to bear fruits,’ he stressed, adding, ‘Our foundation should be grounded in Him, making us unshakable by life’s storms.’

The MPWDs Coordinator further explained that to be rooted in Christ means to live according to His word and to allow Christ to dwell within. He encouraged believers not to let the challenges of life pull them away from their faith, citing Proverbs 15:3 and Job 42:2 to affirm that nothing created by God can be destroyed.

He stated: ‘What you are going through may be part of God’s plan for your life. God does not bring hardships without purpose; the end is always better.’

Reflecting on the experiences of PWDs, he revealed that God’s ultimate desire is for everyone to receive salvation, regardless of their circumstances.

‘One of the greatest miracles, to me, is when a physically impaired person receives salvation,’ he said, adding, ‘Their salvation surpasses all because God can use them to save others.’

Pastor Alexander Nyame concluded by stressing the importance of making an impact in the world, regardless of one’s condition or background. Quoting Ephesians 2:9-10, he reminded PWDs that they are God’s handiwork, uniquely created with a divine purpose.

‘No matter who you are, you are beautifully and wonderfully made by God for a purpose,’ he affirmed, encouraging parents of PWDs to trust in God’s plan for their children’s lives.


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