Evangelist Moses Kenney Bows Out Of The Full-Time Ministry

Evangelist Moses Kenney Bows Out Of The Full-Time Ministry

After 31 years of meritorious service in the full-time ministry, the Ejisu Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Evangelist Moses Agratey Kenney, has brought his ministerial journey to a successful end.

The mammoth retirement service, which took place on Sunday, November 15, 2020, at the Ejisu Central Assembly building, was officiated by the Koforidua Area Head and Executive Council Member of the Church, Apostle Samuel Osei Asante.

The atmosphere was filled with joy, admiration, and praise to the Almighty God for His unfailing kindness to Evangelist Agratey and his family for the great impact of their ministry to the Ejisu Area and the entire Church.

Preaching on the topic, “Finishing the Race Set before You by God,” Apostle Osei Asante indicated that the call into the full-time ministry of the church is like a race and a journey. “Every journey or race has a start and finish line. In the same way, ministerial service is a race; it has a start and a finish line,” he said.

Reading from Numbers 8:23–26, he explained that, “one cannot be in ministry forever, because as the years go by, the minister ages and declines in strength. At this point, he is drawing close to the finish line of his race. God, therefore, makes provision for the younger generation to take over and continue the race, while the old retire and rest from their labours.”

He, therefore, advised all believers to be mindful of the times and seasons and to make the most of every opportunity, preaching the Word in season and out of season, so that their work will be remembered and rewarded when they reach old age and retire from active service.

“Let us learn from the example set by Evangelist Kenney; let us do our best with the time we have so that when we can work no more, our labour and impact will be remembered and rewarded,” he reiterated.

Evangelist Kenney was called into the full-time ministry of the Church in 1989. He served the Church at six stations. These were Dede Sewirako, Atebubu, Laterbiokorshie, Oforikrom, Cape Coast, and Ejisu, where he retired as an Area Head.

Evangelist Kenney placed evangelism at the core of his ministry. He has an affable and down-to-earth nature. He also has immense support from his wife, who won the hearts of many with her humble, soft-spoken, and patient demeanor. She was a great prayer warrior, encourager, and a good counselor.

Apostle S. O. Asante presented a plaque to Evangelist Kenney acknowledging his contribution to the building of God’s kingdom.

In his response, Evangelist Moses Agratey Kenney and his family expressed their gratitude to God for His unfailing grace throughout the 31 years of service to the Kingdom.

In attendance were Apostles David Tettey Terkper (Achimota Area Head), Onyinah Gyamfi (Bogoso Area Head), F. K. Andoh (Konongo Area Head), William Ohemeng Kwakye (Sawla Area Head), Daniel Dekpor (Tumu Area Head), R. C. Ackon (Asankrangwa Area Head), Emmanuel Agyemang Bekoe (Haatso Area Head), G. K. Narh (Rtd), and J. S. Gyimah (Rtd).

Also present to grace the occasion was the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Oforikrom, Hon. Gloria Timah Gambrah, the Area Pastorate, delegations from all the stations he served as well as family and friends from far and near.

Report by Ejisu Area Media Team

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