Effective Church Social Media Administration


In this digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for churches to reach and engage with their congregations, as well as spread the message of faith to a wider audience. Effective church social media administration is crucial in creating and maintaining a strong online presence, fostering community, and promoting the church’s mission and values. This involves managing various social media platforms, creating and curating content, engaging with followers, and monitoring analytics to ensure a successful media ministry. By leveraging social media, churches can enhance their outreach, build relationships, and share the Gospel with a global audience. This article explores the importance of church social media administration, its benefits, and best practices for creating a thriving online community that glorifies God and serves His people.

Managing a church’s social media presence requires careful consideration and attention to detail. It’s not a responsibility to be taken lightly or left in the hands of just anyone. A church’s social media presence reflects the church as a whole, representing its values, mission, and message. Whatever is shared on a church’s social media page is a direct reflection of what happens in the physical church setting. One cannot and should not post anything on the page that contradicts what the church believes and teaches. Any content shared on a church’s social media page can have a significant impact—either positively or negatively—on the church’s reputation and ministry. When choosing someone to manage a church’s social media page, that person must understand the church’s mission, values, and teachings. They must be able to craft engaging, clear, and respectful content that can draw people closer to God. By recognizing the significance of church social media administration and appointing a qualified and dedicated individual or team, churches can effectively harness the power of social media to further their ministry and share the Gospel with a wider audience.

Individuals managing church online platforms are often overlooked, yet they play a vital role in shepherding the digital flock. In reality, church social media administrators are not just tech-savvy individuals but modern-day pastors, guiding and nurturing their online congregation with the same care and dedication as their traditional counterparts. These are some of the roles church social media administrators play: they respond to personal messages, offering prayer and guidance in times of need. They also share scripture, sermons, and inspirational content to spread God’s word. Since they are directly in contact with the online audience, whenever they receive any message from a follower seeking prayer or counseling, they don’t need to call their pastor or any other church elder to perform this task. They do it without requiring the consent of their pastor, whose focus may be solely on the traditional church. Church media administrators offer wisdom, advice, and support to online followers. In essence, church social media administrators are not just managers of online platforms but shepherds of the digital flock, requiring the same dedication, compassion, and spiritual maturity as traditional pastors. By recognizing their vital role, we can better support and empower them to continue spreading the Gospel and nurturing their online congregation.

“And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had an understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do . . . and all their brethren were at their commandment” (1 Chronicles 12:32, KJV). The men of the tribe of Issachar had a deep understanding of their times. According to 1 Chronicles 12:32, understanding their times meant they knew precisely what Israel ought to do. They were divinely endowed with the wisdom to comprehend what God was doing and what they needed to do to align themselves with Him. A church’s social media administrators must be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to discern what to post, when to post, and how to navigate the online landscape. Knowing when to share a specific message, Bible verse, or inspirational content to meet the needs of the online congregation is critical. There are times when certain content should not be posted.

In a situation where there is an ongoing national uproar, one must avoid posting sensitive comments that could trigger tempers or make others uncomfortable. In social media management, this is termed “reading the room.” With the help of the Holy Spirit, one can easily discern how to address sensitive or controversial issues, avoiding unnecessary conflict or division. Additionally, one can recognize and combat online attacks, misinformation, or false teachings. In essence, managing a church’s social media page is not just a technical task, but a spiritual calling. By seeking the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit, administrators can discern what to post, when to post, and how to navigate the online landscape, ultimately furthering the church’s ministry and advancing the Gospel.


Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) extends to the online world. Church social media administrators are ambassadors of Christ, tasked with:

  1. Sharing the Gospel: Presenting the message of salvation and hope to a global audience.
  2. Discipling and Teaching: Providing spiritual guidance, resources, and support to online followers.
  3. Showing Compassion and Love: Demonstrating Christ-like kindness, empathy, and understanding in online interactions.

Therefore, a church social media administrator must avoid the following:

  1. Seeking Validation: Measuring success by likes, comments, and followers rather than spiritual impact. Followers, likes, and comments can be deceptive. Those who benefit from online content often don’t boldly confess it. It’s wrong to track impact solely by such metrics. Spread the word and allow the Spirit of God to touch lives.
  • Self-Promotion: Using the church’s platform to advance personal interests rather than God’s kingdom. In John 9:4, the Bible commands, “As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” We are neither working for man nor ourselves but are unworthy servants performing our duties. All glory belongs to God, not to ourselves.
  • Comparison and Competition: Comparing oneself to others rather than focusing on God’s unique calling and purpose. We are all uniquely called to serve God’s purpose. For some, that calling is in media ministry, utilizing digital platforms to spread the Good News. Administrators must understand that it is a privilege to represent the church in the digital space, and their goal should be to win people online for Christ, not for personal gains or attention. By maintaining this focus, administrators can harness the power of social media to further God’s kingdom, transform lives, and bring glory to His name.

Finally, a church social media administrator must embrace adaptability. The social media landscape is constantly evolving, with new trends, updates, and features emerging daily. To effectively reach and engage with their online congregation, administrators must be willing to adapt and pivot in response to these changes. Psalm 119:89 tells us, “Your word, LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.” While the Word of God remains constant, the methods for sharing it on social media are continually evolving. A single approach cannot effectively reach every follower, as each has unique needs and preferences. Administrators must remain adaptable and innovative in their outreach, leveraging the latest tools and trends to share the Gospel and connect meaningfully with their audience. It’s the responsibility of the administrator to try new approaches and features to further the church’s mission and ministry.In conclusion, church social media administration is a vital ministry that requires dedication, discernment, and adaptability. As the online landscape continues to evolve, church leaders and administrators must prioritize effective social media management to reach and engage their congregations, share the Gospel, and build community. By recognizing the significance of this role, empowering administrators with training and resources, and embracing the ever-changing nature of social media, churches can harness the power of digital platforms to further their mission, spread the message of hope and salvation, and glorify God in the online space. Ultimately, church social media administration is not just about managing accounts but about shepherding people, sharing the love of Christ, and advancing the kingdom of God in the digital age.

Written by Augustus Nii Oblie Adu-Aryee

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