Echoes Of Redemption Understanding Jesus’ Utterances From The Cross web

Echoes Of Redemption: Understanding Jesus’ Utterances From The Cross


The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of Christian theology, representing the pinnacle of divine sacrifice for the redemption of humanity’s sins. Occurring on a Friday in April at 9 a.m., according to tradition, Jesus’ crucifixion spanned six harrowing hours until his final surrender at 3 p.m. This timeline, deeply ingrained in Christian tradition, symbolises the depth of Jesus’ suffering and the extent of his commitment to fulfilling the divine plan of salvation.

Amidst the excruciating pain and agony of the cross, Jesus uttered seven profound statements, each imbued with theological significance and enduring relevance for believers. From his plea for forgiveness for his persecutors to his final surrender to the hands of God, each utterance reflects Jesus’ unwavering faith, boundless love, and profound compassion for humanity.

These statements serve as timeless lessons for believers, offering guidance on forgiveness, salvation, familial responsibility, and ultimate trust in God’s providence. Through his words on the cross, Jesus demonstrates the transformative power of grace, mercy, and unconditional love, inviting believers to emulate his example in their own lives.

Furthermore, the crucifixion of Jesus serves as a powerful symbol of hope and redemption, reminding believers of the profound significance of Christ’s sacrifice in reconciling humanity with God. Christians contemplate the depth of God’s love and the magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice, finding strength, comfort, and renewed faith in the profound mystery of the cross as they reflect on the events of Jesus’ crucifixion.


1ST UTTERANCE: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).

In his first utterance on the cross, Jesus embodies profound mercy and forgiveness, defying the cruelty of his circumstances with divine grace. Despite enduring excruciating pain and unjust persecution, Jesus selflessly intercedes for his persecutors, appealing to God for their forgiveness. This act of compassion reflects the boundless depth of Jesus’ love, which transcends human comprehension and extends even to those who wrong him.

By pleading for the forgiveness of his tormentors, Jesus sets a transformative example for believers, urging them to embrace a radical ethic of forgiveness and reconciliation. In the face of injustice and persecution, Jesus calls upon believers to emulate his unwavering commitment to love and forgiveness, regardless of the circumstances. His first utterance challenges believers to transcend their natural inclinations towards resentment and retaliation, instead choosing the path of mercy and grace.

Furthermore, Jesus’ act of forgiveness on the cross serves as a powerful testament to the transformative power of divine love. In extending forgiveness to his persecutors, Jesus offers a profound demonstration of God’s boundless mercy and compassion towards humanity. His first utterance becomes a timeless reminder of the redemptive potential of forgiveness, inviting believers to embody Christ’s love in their interactions with others and to strive for reconciliation even in the face of adversity.

2ND UTTERANCE: “Verily, I say to you, today shall you be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43).

In his second statement from the cross, Jesus extends a profound message of inclusivity and redemption by offering salvation to the repentant thief crucified beside him. This act of grace showcases the boundless mercy of God, demonstrating that no one is beyond the reach of divine forgiveness. Despite the thief’s history of wrongdoing and imminent death, Jesus assures him of a place in paradise, emphasising that salvation is not restricted by past sins or circumstances.

By extending salvation to the repentant thief, Jesus challenges believers to embrace a similarly inclusive attitude towards others. His example underscores the transformative power of God’s grace, which transcends human limitations and extends hope to even the most undeserving. This proclamation serves as a poignant reminder that no one is beyond the scope of God’s love and forgiveness, encouraging believers to share the message of redemption with all whom they encounter.

Moreover, Jesus’ second statement highlights the universal nature of salvation, affirming that it is available to all who repent and believe, regardless of their background or past actions. This message of inclusivity serves as a source of hope and encouragement for believers, inspiring them to reach out to those who may feel unworthy or excluded. Embracing the expansive love of God, as exemplified by Jesus’ words, empowers believers to share the transformative message of salvation with compassion and humility, inviting others to experience the life-changing power of grace.

3RD UTTERANCE: “Woman, behold thy son! Behold thy mother!” (John 19:26, 27)

In his third statement from the cross, Jesus exemplifies profound compassion and familial responsibility by entrusting the care of his mother, Mary, to the beloved disciple John. This act underscores the importance of honouring and caring for one’s family members, even in the most challenging circumstances. Despite his own agony, Jesus demonstrates a deep sense of compassion and concern for his mother’s well-being by ensuring her care in his absence.

This statement serves as a poignant reminder for believers to prioritise familial relationships and emulate Christ’s example of love and care for their loved ones. Just as Jesus entrusted Mary’s care to John, believers are called to honour and support their family members, particularly in times of need or adversity. This act of selflessness reflects the essence of Christ-like love, which prioritises the needs of others above one’s own.

Furthermore, Jesus’ actions highlight the interconnectedness of family relationships within the Christian community. By entrusting Mary to John, Jesus fosters a sense of unity and mutual responsibility among his followers, emphasising the importance of caring for one another as members of God’s family. This statement serves as a powerful reminder for believers to cultivate compassionate and supportive relationships within their own families and communities, embodying the spirit of Christ’s love in their interactions with others.

4TH UTTERANCE: “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46)

In his fourth statement from the cross, Jesus utters a cry of despair, quoting Psalm 22:1, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” In this poignant moment, Jesus experiences the profound agony of separation from God, bearing the full weight of humanity’s sins. This cry encapsulates the depths of Jesus’ sacrifice as he endures spiritual desolation and alienation from the Father.

By quoting Psalm 22, Jesus not only expresses his own anguish but also fulfils a Messianic prophecy, illustrating the fulfilment of Scripture in his suffering. Through this statement, Jesus reveals the extent of his solidarity with humanity, willingly taking upon himself the consequences of sin to offer redemption and reconciliation with God.

This moment highlights the sacrificial nature of Jesus’ mission and the depths of his love for humanity. Despite the anguish of separation, Jesus remains steadfast in his commitment to fulfilling God’s plan for salvation, demonstrating unparalleled humility and obedience to the Father’s will. Through his suffering, Jesus opens the door to reconciliation between humanity and God, offering the promise of forgiveness and eternal life to all who believe in him.

Ultimately, Jesus’ cry from the cross serves as a profound reminder of the cost of redemption and the extent of God’s love for humanity. In his willingness to endure separation from the Father, Jesus provides a path to restoration and renewal, inviting all people to experience the transformative power of his sacrifice.

5TH UTTERANCE: “I thirst” (John 19:28)

In his fifth statement from the cross, Jesus expresses his physical thirst, fulfilling the prophetic words of Psalm 22:15. While this statement addresses Jesus’ immediate physical need, it also carries profound spiritual significance, symbolising his deep longing for the salvation of humanity.

By referencing Psalm 22, Jesus not only acknowledges his own physical suffering but also aligns himself with the broader narrative of Scripture, demonstrating the fulfilment of prophecy in his own life. His thirst serves as a poignant reminder of the extent of his humanity, as he experiences the full range of human needs and emotions, even during his divine mission.

Furthermore, Jesus’ statement underscores his unwavering commitment to fulfilling the divine plan of salvation. Despite his own suffering and agony, Jesus remains focused on the redemption of humanity, demonstrating unparalleled selflessness and dedication to the Father’s will. His thirst becomes symbolic of his sacrificial love as he willingly endures physical discomfort to accomplish the greater purpose of offering salvation to all who believe in him.

In essence, Jesus’ expression of thirst transcends its immediate context, serving as a powerful metaphor for his mission on earth. It highlights his profound empathy for humanity’s plight and his willingness to endure personal suffering for the sake of others. Through his thirst, Jesus reveals the depth of his love and the extent of his commitment to reconciling humanity with God.

6TH UTTERANCE: “It is finished” (John 19:30)

In his sixth statement from the cross, Jesus utters the powerful declaration, “It is finished,” encapsulating the culmination of his redemptive mission. The Greek term “Tetelestai” carries profound significance, signifying the fulfilment of prophecy and the accomplishment of God’s plan of salvation. With these words, Jesus proclaims the victory over sin and death, ushering in a new era of hope and redemption for all who believe in him.

Jesus fulfilled every requirement for the atonement of humanity’s sins through his sacrificial death on the cross. His statement represents the culmination of centuries of divine prophecy and anticipation, affirming the divine purpose behind his earthly ministry. By declaring “It is finished,” Jesus underscores the completeness and finality of his redemptive act, leaving nothing undone in the salvation of humanity.

Moreover, Jesus’ proclamation serves as a source of profound assurance for believers, affirming the sufficiency of his sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. It assures believers of their standing before God, secured through the finished work of Christ on the cross. Jesus has reconciled humanity with God through his death and resurrection, promising eternal life to all who place their faith in him.

In essence, Jesus’ declaration that “It is finished” represents the culmination of God’s redemptive plan and the assurance of salvation for believers. It stands as a testament to the unfathomable love and grace of God, demonstrated through the sacrificial death of his Son for the sake of humanity’s redemption.

7TH UTTERANCE: “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”

In his ultimate act of submission, Jesus utters the poignant words, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit,” surrendering himself entirely to the will of God. This final statement encapsulates Jesus’ unwavering faith and obedience, demonstrating his complete trust in the Father’s sovereignty and providence, even amid unimaginable suffering.

By committing his spirit to the hands of God, Jesus exemplifies the epitome of faithfulness and surrender, setting a profound example for believers to emulate. In the face of impending death, Jesus does not waver or falter but instead reaffirms his unshakeable trust in the Father’s divine plan. This act of surrender underscores the depth of Jesus’ relationship with God and his absolute confidence in the Father’s faithfulness.

Jesus’ final words provide comfort and assurance to believers, reminding them of the security that comes from entrusting their lives to God. Jesus encourages believers to follow his example of unwavering faith and submission, trusting that God’s purposes will ultimately prevail, even in trials and tribulations.

Moreover, Jesus’ statement reinforces the truth that death is not the end but rather a transition into the presence of God for those who belong to Him. By committing his spirit into God’s hands, Jesus affirms the promise of eternal life for all who believe in him, offering hope and assurance to believers throughout the ages. Ultimately, Jesus’ final words serve as a testament to the triumph of faith over adversity and the enduring power of God’s love and grace.


Between noon and 3 o’clock, a profound darkness descended upon the land, mirroring the spiritual darkness that enveloped Jesus as he bore the weight of humanity’s sins on the cross. This period of darkness symbolised the depth of Jesus’ agony and the spiritual desolation he experienced as he endured the full extent of God’s judgement against sin.

At this moment, Jesus suffered not only physically but also spiritually, enduring a profound sense of separation from God the Father. This spiritual darkness reached its culmination in Jesus’ anguished cry of abandonment, echoing the words of Psalm 22:1, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

Despite the overwhelming suffering and sense of abandonment, Jesus remained steadfast in his commitment to fulfil the Father’s will. His willingness to endure such profound spiritual anguish underscores the depth of his love for humanity and his unwavering dedication to the redemptive mission entrusted to him.

Jesus endured the darkness of those three hours, bearing the weight of sin and experiencing the ultimate separation from God, to reconcile humanity with the Father. His sacrifice serves as a testament to the extent of God’s love and the lengths to which he would go to offer salvation to humanity.

Ultimately, the darkness that shrouded the land during those hours serves as a powerful reminder of the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice and the magnitude of the redemption accomplished on the cross.


  1. Forgiveness and Mercy: Jesus’ first utterance, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34), demonstrates profound mercy and forgiveness, even amidst his excruciating suffering. This statement challenges believers to emulate Christ’s forgiveness in their own lives, even in the face of injustice and persecution, fostering a culture of mercy and reconciliation.
  2. Inclusivity of Salvation: Through his second statement, “Verily, I say to you, today shall you be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43), Jesus affirms the inclusivity of salvation, extending hope to even the most undeserving. This proclamation reminds believers that salvation is available to all, regardless of past sins or circumstances, encouraging them to share the message of redemption with others.
  3. Familial Responsibility: By entrusting the care of his mother to the beloved disciple John in his third utterance (John 19:26, 27), Jesus highlights the importance of familial responsibility and compassion. This statement serves as a reminder for believers to prioritise familial relationships and demonstrate Christ-like love and care towards their loved ones, fostering a sense of unity and mutual support within families and communities.
  4. Identification with Humanity’s Suffering: Jesus’ fourth utterance, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me” (Matthew 27:46), reflects his profound identification with humanity’s suffering and sin. This statement underscores the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice and his willingness to endure spiritual desolation and separation from God on behalf of humanity, offering redemption and reconciliation with God.
  5. Thirst for Salvation: Through his fifth utterance, “I thirst” (John 19:28), Jesus expresses not only his physical thirst but also his spiritual longing for the salvation of humanity. This statement symbolises Jesus’ unwavering commitment to fulfilling the divine plan of salvation, encouraging believers to actively participate in sharing the transformative message of redemption with others and fulfilling their spiritual thirst for salvation.
  6. Completion of Redemption: In his sixth utterance, “It is finished” (John 19:30), Jesus declares the completion of his redemptive work on the cross. This statement signifies the fulfilment of prophecy and the accomplishment of God’s plan of salvation, offering assurance to believers of the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. It serves as a reminder of the finished work of Christ and the assurance of salvation for believers, inspiring them to place their trust in the completed work of redemption.
  7. Total Surrender to God’s Will: In his final utterance, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46), Jesus surrenders himself completely to the will of the Father, demonstrating unwavering faith and obedience. This statement serves as a profound example for believers, encouraging them to trust in God’s sovereignty and providence, even in the face of suffering and death. It reminds believers of the security found in entrusting their lives into God’s hands, reaffirming the promise of eternal life for all who believe in him.


In conclusion, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ stands as the central event in Christian theology, symbolising the ultimate sacrifice for the redemption of humanity’s sins. Through his profound statements from the cross, Jesus offers timeless lessons for believers, guiding them in forgiveness, inclusivity, familial responsibility, identification with human suffering, thirst for salvation, completion of redemption, and total surrender to God’s will.

Jesus’ words exemplify divine mercy, extending forgiveness even to his persecutors and urging believers to emulate such radical forgiveness. His inclusivity in salvation reminds believers that redemption is available to all, fostering a culture of hope and inclusivity. Furthermore, his demonstration of familial responsibility underscores the importance of prioritising relationships and caring for loved ones.

By identifying with humanity’s suffering and expressing his thirst for salvation, Jesus demonstrates an unwavering commitment to fulfilling God’s plan. His declaration of completion signifies the fulfilment of prophecy and offers assurance of salvation to believers. Finally, his total surrender to God’s will inspires believers to trust in God’s providence, even in the face of suffering and death.

In contemplating Jesus’ statements from the cross, believers find guidance, inspiration, and renewed faith in the profound mystery of Christ’s sacrifice. The relevance of these utterances echoes through the ages, inviting believers to embody Christ’s love, mercy, and obedience in their lives and to find strength and assurance in the transformative power of the cross.

Written by Pastor Emmanuel Foster Asamoah (Abasraba District, Winneba)

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