
Don’t Stigmatise Against COVID-19 Recovered Patients – Apostle J. A. Mensah

A retired minister of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Joseph Albert Mensah, has admonished Ghanaians, especially Christians, to desist from stigmatising against COVID-19 recovered patients.

According to him, such act could seriously mitigate national efforts of combating the deadly viral disease.

Delivering the sermon at an online Akan Service which was telecast live on PENT TV on Sunday, May 31, 2020, Apostle Mensah gave a troubling incident in the Bible where, Apostle Paul, who used to persecute the disciples, after his conversion, suffered stigmatisation as none of the disciples wanted to associate themselves with him due to his background.

He, however, said that it took the boldness of Barnabas (Acts 11) who went and look for Paul and brought him on board.

Reading his main Scriptures from Acts 27:18-24, 33-34, he said that as part of Paul’s ministry, he suffered many setbacks such as discrimination, persecution, beatings, and imprisonment. He explained that in one of such troubles, Paul found himself in a journey on the sea which they experienced a shipwreck, but God sustained his life and all the 276 people on board.

Likewise, he assured persons infected with the Coronavirus that they will not die but live to declare the glory of God if they believe in Jesus Christ, the giver of life.

The retired apostle noted that what the world is going through today has happened before, since many of such plagues have rocked the world centuries ago, saying, “This one too shall pass, because when there are challenges and darkness, there is a redeemer who intercedes and rescues His own.

“The whole world is devastated but the Lord is assuring us that this storm will not last for long, it will soon come to an end.”

He stated that like Paul, who initially persecuted the disciples and was later saved by Christ to be his witness, God has a plan and purpose for every person on this earth.

Apostle Joseph Albert Mensah assured Ghanaians of their safety since God is in control. “With God in control, your safety, healing, security, victory, and prosperity are assured,” he declared.

To avoid contracting COVID-19, the retired apostle advised Ghanaians to observe all the safety measures. “Though God has promised to secure our safety, we also have to take personal responsibility by keeping to the safety measures to avoid being infected,” he advised.


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