Does God Choose Presidents For Nations?

  1. God has an interest in the universe He created and that interest is to redeem humanity and eventually the rest of creation through Christ.
  2. So, God will take steps that will advance His primary purpose of redemption.
  3. God has given the earth to humanity – resources, biological life, brains, freewill (determinism, choice), etc. to do things by our own freewill to better our lives on earth and to come to Christ – His final Word to humanity.
  4. Groups of people such as a nation make their own collective choices and are responsible for the consequences and outcomes.
  5. If the institution is directly involved in God’s redemptive agenda such as a church, then God is very interested in seeking to direct the affairs of that institution and even to bring earlier judgment on those in the institution if they misrepresent Him. This is the reason judgment begins in the house of God, the Church, with God bringing discipline or even untimely death to any of His representatives who continue to misrepresent Him.
  6. Thus, God is very interested in the selection of leaders in churches and other institutions directly related to His redemptive agenda.
  7. In the Old Testament God was very much interested in the choice of leaders of Israel because Israel was directly involved in His redemptive agenda; God treated Israel as a nation the way He treats the church now; that was a theocratic system.
  8. We notice that, to a very large extent, God did not so much intervene in the selection of leaders of Gentile nations such as Assyria, Babylon, etc. The selection of their leaders was the result of their collective freewill. All nations in the world now as “Gentile” (secular nation) with the choice to participate God’s redemptive agenda left to individuals within the nation.
  9. God is interested in choosing leaders for His church at all levels in every nation but the selection of leaders for the nations and other non-redemptive institutions like leaders of organized labour etc. is the collective freewill of the people in the country or that group.
  10. However, since God has the power to rule in the affairs of any group of human beings, God can bring a person in response to the prayers of many within a nation with the hope that such a leader will facilitate His redemptive agenda – transforming human hearts and developing social systems as the world awaits Christ to consummate His creation fully.
  11. This does not mean the person God brings in response to prayer will automatically follow the will of God at all times, especially when the person is not saved in Christ (does not have God’s Seed and God’s Spirit). The person may still retain his/her freewill to either continue to hear the voice of God or to harden his/her heart like Pharaoh.
  12. All these said, there are certain times FIXED in the timeline of nations where God may have ordained a SPECIFIC PERSON to lead the nation either as judgment to the nation (a wicked leader) or as comfort to the nation (a leader who hears the voice of God to be a blessing to the nation) to serve as a testimony to that nation.
  13. We should also note that the collective righteousness of a nation (the proportion of Spirit-filled righteous people within the nation over its course of existence) will determine whether that nation will last a long time in history before the coming of Christ and whether that nation will be retained on the new earth.
  14. Lastly, God seeks to move the hearts of humans towards His redemptive will but whether humans yield or not, His redemptive milestones can NEVER to be thwarted: these redemptive milestones are: Christ would be born; Christ would die; Christ would rise from death; the Church would be established by Christ to spread; Christ will come again to consummate the church; the old creation will be obliterated; and the tangible new creation will be the new order. Regardless of any of the issues in the world, these milestones (the purpose of God) will NEVER be erased.
  15. Our participation in God’s redemptive plan is OUR INDIVIDUAL CHOICE – to receive or reject Christ. We each have a choice to reject Him or accept Him except for those who lack sufficient revelation or awareness of God’s redemptive plan (such as adults of sane minds who have never heard about it; most children; and people born mentally challenged); these are in a saved redemptive state.

Written by Apostle S. K. Fianko-Larbi (+233556029937)

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