
Do The Work Of God With Passion – Apostle Kumi-Larbi Tells Church Leaders

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, has encouraged church leaders to be passionate about doing the work of God.

Speaking on the topic, “Doing the Work of God with Passion,” at the Western Regional session of the ongoing Ministers and Wives’ Conference on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, at the E. K. Kyei Memorial Temple, Tarkwa, the General Secretary advised ministers and their spouses to do the work of God with enthusiasm, interest and zeal.

“Passion is when a person has an intense enthusiasm, a craving for God and His work, with compelling emotions and feelings coupled with God-given desires that compels him or her to make a difference. 

“Passion is the fuel, a keen interest, a strong desire, a hunger, a thirst and a craving for God and His work. Passionate people are hardworking, and their output beats those with talent who fail to work on their talents through discipline and training,” he said.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi indicated that a person’s desire fueled by passion will bring about the greatest results in his life and ministry and the fire on his inside will affect everything on the outside. 

Expounding further, the General Secretary indicated that passionate people are always drawn to their passion, willing to sacrifice for it, express it everywhere and are unperturbed by critics.

Making references to Numbers 25:6-13 2 Samuel 6:12, 2 Samuel 6: 13,17, 2 Samuel 6:14-16, 2 Samuel 6:12-23; 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 and Exodus 33:15-16, he revealed that because of his passion for the things of God, Phinehas, son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, turned God’s anger away from the Israelites. According to him, Phinehas achieved this feat due to his zealousness for God in dealing with unrighteousness among God’s people. 

Apostle Kumi-Larbi encouraged church leaders to be passionate about cultivating God’s presence daily, the Kingdom of God and its representatives on earth (Church), righteousness, lost souls, the Gospel, the ministry of prayer and the Word, and about excellence in ministry endeavours. 

He also revealed that the love of Christ is the catalyst for godly passion and that people who are passionate about God are active for Him. “They make time for God, whether that means getting up early in the morning to make that time possible or sacrificing some activity that they enjoy to do most,” he explained.

He further advised Christians to make choices that strengthen their fellowship with God and ask Him to give them the passion to do greater works for Him.

“As we develop a closer relationship with God, one of friendship and intimacy, our passion will grow, and as it does, doing the things He asks us to do will follow naturally,” he stated.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi further indicated that the passion of Christians would be manifested in their resolve or determination to follow God even at the peril of their lives, as was the case of some of God’s greatest missionaries who risked their lives and ministries for the sake of God’s promises, regardless of their emotions.

He concluded by admonishing Christians to do the work of God with passion and to be “crazy” for the Kingdom business in season and out of season.

Report by Western and Western North Regions Media Team

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