Cultivate A Happy And Healthier Retirement Life web

Cultivate A Happy And Healthier Retirement Life – Apostle Nyamekye Advises

Apostle Eric Nyamekye, the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, has offered guidance to retired ministers, ministers’ wives, widows, and widowers within the Church, urging them to embrace a joyful and healthy life during retirement while maintaining a continuous connection with God.

Apostle Nyamekye shared these insights on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, during the 2023 Retirement Seminar hosted at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

Addressing participants on the topic “One Thing I Ask Of The Lord, Two I Desire,” using scriptural references from Psalm 27:4-5, he drew attention to King David’s prayerful aspirations in his later years.

“Even if you’re not preaching as often, you’re still a Christian with a unique wealth of experience from serving in the Lord’s sanctuaries for years,” he assured.

He emphasized that retiring ministers shouldn’t feel their ministry and priesthood have been taken away. Instead, he reminded them of their continuing role as carriers of priestly wisdom, vital for guiding the next generation.

Apostle Nyamekye emphasized that while their earthly journey is ongoing, their priestly role remains.

He urged the participants to stand as intermediaries between God and the people, highlighting the spiritual duty that continues even after retirement. Neglecting this responsibility, he noted, would be considered a sin.

“Harmony leads to happiness; disharmony leads to inner turmoil,” he underscored.

Quoting Psalm 31:7, he explained that it’s not only the heart that suffers but the soul as well. Maintaining a contented and optimistic mindset, he stressed, is crucial for a fulfilling, healthy life.

The Chairman recommended that retirees shield themselves from negativity and instead focus on uplifting words that elevate the spirit.

He highlighted the power of self-affirmation and the importance of positive thinking in nurturing happiness and health.

Apostle Nyamekye encouraged the elderly to shed negativity and maintain a Christ-like attitude, acknowledging that not everyone will be supportive.

He likened life to a stage, and despite stepping out of the limelight, he urged them to continue making their lives meaningful even behind the scenes.


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