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Christian Leaders Must Take Risk – Apostle Nana Ofori

The Mankessim Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle James Nana Ofori, has called on church leaders not to fear taking risks to advance the work of God. 

He made the call during a retreat organised by the Dunkwa Area of The Church of Pentecost under the theme: “A Glorious Church Leader: Are You Revived to Possess the Nations?” (Ephesians 4: 11-12).

The retreat, held between October 12 and 15, 2021, at the zonal level, sought to renew the spiritual strength of officers and whip up the passion of ministers and their wives as well as church leaders to do the work of God with great zeal.

Quoting from Matthew 9:35-37 and preaching on the topic; “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few,” Apostle Nana Ofori said that leadership is crucial to the growth of the church and the expansion of the Kingdom of God. He stated that Jesus Christ needs more leaders to manage the great harvest of souls in this generation.

According to him, God calls people to fulfill His eternal purpose on earth because He works through men, saying, “God’s ability to reap the harvest of souls is dependent on good leaders in the church.”

The Mankessim Area Head outlined three kinds of church leaders, namely caretaker leaders, undertaker leaders, and risk-taker leaders. He defined caretaker leaders as church leaders who do not make effort to bring spiritual growth and increase to the church and the flock. 

“They keep what they were handed to and hand over the same in value, in quality and quantity back to their superiors,” he stated.

Undertaker leaders, on the other hand, he explained, are leaders who do not make effort to keep and maintain what was handed over to them but bring spiritual retardation and backwardness to the church flocks.

According to him, undertaker church leaders use their actions, character, and sometimes their sarcastic statements to send the flocks away from the church and do not care about them. He charged leaders at all levels of the church to desist from such character.

Apostle Nana Ofori admonished his hearers to be risk-taker leaders because risk-takers leaders are those who take risks and rise to the task. “Risk-taker leaders are positive-minded, filled with wisdom, and have passion for God’s work. They add value and make greater contributions to the growth of the church, and are fruitful in all things,” he stressed. 

He added: “God wants us to be fruitful and hate slothfulness.”

The occasion was spiced up with an ordination service of some officers in the Area.

Report by Pastor Twene Adane Justice, Dunkwa Atechem.

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