Chairman Extols Evangelist Asiamah As He Retires From Full-Time Ministry (002)1

Chairman Extols Evangelist Asiamah As He Retires From Full-Time Ministry

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has extolled the Maamobi District Minister of the Church, Evangelist Samuel Agyei Asiamah, who retired from active ministry on Sunday, October 25, 2020, after 33 years of exemplary service to God and humanity.

Speaking at his retirement service which took place at the Salem Assembly at Maamobi in La Area, the Chairman described Evangelist Asiamah as a very humble and respectful minister of God.

The Chairman noted that the Church will greatly miss the retired evangelist due to his resourcefulness and ability to excellently carry out tasks that leadership assigns him. “I’m somehow saddened that today we are retiring such an illustrious minister of the Church. His retirement has come at a time we needed his services most,” he stated, adding, “I pray that God will continue to bless this Church with ministers of his type.”

Apostle Nyamekye, in a sermon titled, “The True Value of Our Service to God is with Him” taken from John 7:38, charged Christians to strive to be fountains through whom God will channel His heavenly blessings to other people.

He explained that as true followers of Christ, it is not the physical blessings that they gain that matters, but the good things that flow through them that impact society.

He indicated that Mary Magdalene, whose brother Jesus resurrected from the dead, broke her alabaster jar [an expensive perfume] and used it to anoint the feet of Jesus, did her best to honour the Lord even though she was strongly chastised by people like Judas Iscariot who wanted it sold to cater for the poor so that he could personally benefit from it.

He added that the offering of the widow, though insignificant, pleased Jesus because she gave her last and her best. According to Apostle Nyamekye, “God reads motives, so we should not let our services be a sheer showmanship just to please men.”

The Chairman, therefore, implored believers, especially ministers of the gospel, not to make money and material blessings their main priority, since God is not interested in that. “The measure of our success in ministry or life is not about our titles or the quantum of material things we acquire, but our ability to give out what we receive from God.”

He advised believers to serve with diligence whenever they get the opportunity since their works will follow them.


The Maamobi District described Evangelist Asiamah as a “gifted man of God who spiritually imparted members during church services.” They added: “His words carry power and this is a true hallmark of a prayerful man of God who loves to encourage prayer meetings.”

The District Women’s Ministry also described his wife, Mrs. Josephine Asiamah, as an indispensable companion to her husband and others. “Her prayer life, devotion, the ministration of the word of God, and the unique way of doing this is worthy of emulation,” they stated.

For the General Council, Evangelist Asiamah served with utmost dedication, selflessness, contentment, innovation, and wisdom, saying, “He selflessly worked with great enthusiasm and zeal. As an innovative minister, he always seeks better ways to push boundaries and breaks new ground.”

Profile of Evangelist Samuel Agyei Asiamah

Born some 65 years ago at Juaso in the Ashanti Region, Evangelist Asiamah completed elementary school at Juaso Local Authority Middle School in 1971 and continued to Koforidua Technical Institute (Pre-Tech) and completed in 1973. He enrolled at the Kumasi Polytechnic (now Kumasi Technical University) and studied Electrical Engineering Practice (EEP) and graduated in 1975. Whilst in ministry, he did other courses and also acquired a Bachelor of Theology degree from the Canada Christian College.

He worked at the Volta Aluminium Company Limited (Valco), Tema, and later at Nestle Ghana Limited. He also worked at the Tema Steel Works Corporation and the Cocoa Processing Company Limited, where he worked till his call into the full-time ministry in 1987.

In ministry, he served in the following stations: Ayirebi (1987-1993), Yendi (1993-1994), Chiraa (1994-1995), Akim Oda (1995-2001), Nungua (2001-2008), Belgium (2008-2013), Austria (2013-2015), and Maamobi (2015-2020).


The service attracted people from all walks of life, including active and retired ministers of the Church. Prominent among them were: Apostle Isaac Nii Kotei Djani (Tamale Area Head/Executive Council Member), Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker (Rector, Pentecost University/Executive Council Member), and Apostle John Osei Amaniampong (La Area Head).

Others were: Mrs. Mary Nyamekye (wife of the Chairman) and Mrs. Rose Dansoa Kumi-Larbi (wife of the General Secretary), among others.


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