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General Secretary Commissions Kultamise Pentecost Clinic

The General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, on Thursday, June 24, 2021, commissioned an ultramodern health facility constructed by the church at Kultamise, a farming community in the Upper East Region of Ghana.

The facility, which took 21 months to complete, is expected to serve communities located over the banks of the Kulpelgu river, namely Kultamise, Kolnaba, Bitsu, Nware, Gamburugu, Cinakom, Sangaboli and Kawerigu.

The clinic would further serve neighbouring communities of Kultamise such as Zumbeku in Togo as well as the Hotige, Sugumonma, Garega and Morgande communities in Burkina Faso.

Delivering an address on behalf of the Chairman at the commissioning ceremony, Apostle Kumi-Larbi said that in the past decades the inhabitants of Kultamise and surrounding towns have gone through great ordeal in accessing quality healthcare.

He explained that the situation has contributed to worsening the plight of pregnant women especially when in labour as their spouses had to carry them on their back or motorbikes to cross the river to access healthcare in Pusiga.

“This intervention by the church through the Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS), was informed by the urgent need to provide a health facility that can serve the community and its environs, particularly in helping to reduce maternal and child mortality in the Pusiga district. We trust that it will provide a lasting remedy to the decades-long problem faced by the people,” he stated.

The General Secretary pointed out that the construction of the edifice is part of the strategic vision of the church dubbed “Vision 2023: Possessing the Nations.” According to him, the church, in fulfilment of Vision 2023, is partnering with the Government of Ghana to transform the fortunes of the country by contributing to its accelerated socio-economic development. Hence, the construction of major social infrastructures in various parts of the country.

Apostle Kumi-Larbi seized the opportunity to call on all and sundry to accept Christ as Lord and Saviour, declaring that it was under His influence that the church had undertaken such an audacious project.

“The truth is that the church would not have been able to undertake such a project if it were not for the love of Jesus Christ. Helping others is a virtue that we learnt from Jesus, so anyone willing to experience this love of Christ which compels us to help others, should accept Him as Lord and Saviour and He would teach you to do even greater works than we have done,” he noted.

The edifice, worth GH¢850,000.00 and fully funded by the church, has residential accommodation for the health officers, fully furnished Out-Patient Department (OPD), Male and Female Wards, Delivery Ward, Dispensary, Kitchen, Washrooms for both patients and staff, Laboratory, and Consulting rooms. Out of the total amount spent on the project, GH¢ 550,000.00 was spent on civil works, whilst the rest was spent on the medical equipment, furniture, beddings, drugs, and other related medical consumables.

The District Chief Executive (DCE) of Pusiga, Hon. Alhassan Zubeiru, said that the construction of the health facility is a major milestone in the history of Pusiga District and symbolises the promotion of healthcare in the district. He commended the church for its transformation agenda, which, according to him, is not only targeted at church members but the entire society.

The Pusiga District Health Director, Mr. Timothy Mahama, expressed concern about the spate of maternal and child deaths in the district and advised pregnant women in the community to patronise the clinic regularly to enable the medical staff to continuously monitor their conditions before, during and after childbirth. This, he said, will help reduce complications and causes of maternal and neonatal mortality.

He also urged the health workers to uphold professionalism and not to hesitate to refer patients to the district clinic whenever it becomes necessary.

The Chief of Pusiga Traditional Area, Naba Tambiis-Ku-Nwiak, conveyed the appreciation of the Kultamise people to The Church of Pentecost for the wonderful gesture. He prayed that God would replenish everything the church has lost in the process and grant them the grace to do same for other vulnerable communities.

The General Secretary led some ministers present to plant trees on the premises of the clinic in line with the Green Ghana project aimed at restoring the country’s depleting forest cover.

The commissioning and dedication of the Kultamise Pentecost Clinic was well patronised by the traditional leaders including Naba Berie Hunsuo (Chief of Kultamise) and people within the Pusiga District and its environ. The event was also graced by a number of ministers of the church from the Tamale, Bawku, Bolgatanga, and Sawla Areas of the church.

Some of the ministers present were Apostle Sylvester Arhin (Tamale Area Head and Executive Council Member), Apostle Wilberforce Nkrumah Agyemang (Bolgatanga Area Head), Apostle Eric Boateng (Bawku Area Head), Pastor Emmanuel Aidoo (Yendi Area Head), Pastor James Agyin (Project, Development and Estate Manager, COP Headquarters), and Elder Richard Amaning (PENTSOS Director), among others.

Kultamse is a farming community in the Pusiga political district of Ghana and falls within the Bawku Area of The Church of Pentecost. The muslim-dominated community is located over the banks of the Kulpelgu River and has a population of over 3000 people. This year alone, seven lives have been tragically lost due to poor access to healthcare. With this new facility, residents (especially pregnant women) of the community and those in the surrounding towns are optimistic that they can now receive better healthcare (antenatal care) and would not have to sometimes trek all the way to Pusiga for medical treatment.


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PENTSOS Bakery Project Commissioned At Busunya

A bakery jointly funded by the Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS) and the General Headquarters of The Church of Pentecost has been commissioned at Busunya, near Nkoranza in the Techiman Area. 

The PENTSOS Bakery Project is expected to provide direct employment to 150 young people in the Church, function as a skills training centre to train the youth in bread making and pastries, and indirectly create jobs for over 500 people in the Nkoranza North District.

The initiative is a social enterprise project of PENTSOS, the social services wing of The Church of Pentecost, with an overarching purpose to build the productive capacity of the youth and create job opportunities through skills training.

The facility was commissioned by Apostle Isaac Nii Kotei Djani, Techiman Area Head, on June 9, 2021, assisted by the PENTSOS Director, Elder Richard Amaning, and the Busunya District Minister, Pastor Peter Afful Blood.

In a short exhortation from Psalm 90:17 and 1 Thessalonians 4:11, Apostle Kotei Djani admonished members to work with their hands so that they will not be dependent on anybody and receive God’s blessings.

At the commissioning ceremony were the Nkoranza North District Coordinating Director, Representative of the Traditional Authority, Representative of the District Police Commander, and the clergy.


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Pentecost Weaving Centre Inaugurated In Bawku Area

A weaving centre has been constructed by the Bawku Area of The Church of Pentecost in the church’s quest to partner with the state to solve the high youth unemployment and early marriages among the youth in the area. It is also expected to help stop the unbridled migration of the youth in the area to the southern part of the country for greener pastures.

The centre, a brainchild of the Bawku Area Head, Apostle Eric Gyambibi Boateng, was inaugurated on May 25, 2021, at Zebilla. Currently, 66  regular and 18 non-regular trainees, comprising both members and non-members of the church, have been enrolled to commence the training. So far two weaving machines have been acquired to facilitate the training.

Speaking at the inauguration, Apostle Gyambibi Boateng quoted from Ephesians 5:15-17 and admonished trainees to make very good use of the opportunity to get themselves empowered to become productive citizens.

He further charged them to be hardworking, disciplined and determined to complete the training as scheduled.

According to the Area Head, similar centres will be inaugurated soon at Bawku and Garu.

In attendance were the trainees and their families, ministers of the church and their wives, as well as members of the church.

Report by Bawku Area Media Team.


Seven Reasons Why You Should Not Criticise The Church Of Pentecost For Building Prisons

I have keenly observed some opinions from some individuals in connection with the Ejura ultra-modern Correctional Centre (prison camp) built by The Church of Pentecost.

There have been divergent views as to whether the church had set its priorities right or not. Many people are also bashing the church, lamenting that the church should have catered for the needy among them before embarking on this project.

Well, these are all opinions. I think the church has done no wrong. I was expecting Ghanaians to praise God for a church like The Church of Pentecost, which is helping to transform the nation.

The church is not just building only prisons, as some people may think, but there are several other national interventions that the church has done over the past few years, and continues to do to help develop the country.

I would therefore like to give seven (7) reasons why we should not lambast the church for the good work done, but rather praise and encourage them to do more if they have the means:


Following the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His precepts, we should not reject sinners but show some love to them and win them for Christ. Jesus said, “He did not come on earth because of the righteous, but because of “sinners.”

(Mark 2:17 KJV) “When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” What I am trying to say is that the church has done a lot for its members and will continue to do more. However, it cannot ignore those outside the church, especially, the less privileged. Taking care of the privileged and the less privileged makes the generosity of the church balanced and unbiased.


(Matthew 28:19, KJV) “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” This is the great commandment. It is obligatory for every believer to do this. There are many ways of doing this, but the most important thing is to have a good heart for the one you want to win for Christ. You must love him and show him kindness as the Lord has done to us. Apart from giving them the word of God, if you are capable of assisting them in any way, do it. Do not just say, “God bless you” and leave him to suffer! (James 2:15-16 KJV) “If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?” This is what the Lord says.

We must always help a brother who is in need. There is no doubt that prisoners in Ghana really need help. We cannot just preach to them without helping them, especially if the church has the means to help. Sinners are our clients, so we must serve them well so that we can win them for Christ for a better and a transformed life.


Jesus demonstrated this in Matthew 25:31-45, NKJV: “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 33 And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.41 “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; 43 I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’ 44 “Then they also will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ 45 Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.”

This clearly tells us not to care for only the righteous, but “sinners” as well. This does not mean if the church builds ultra-modern prison facilities for prisoners, they are promoting criminality. It is A BIG NO; the church is just doing what the Bible tells them to do.


Responding to comments such as, “there are some needy individuals in the church…,” I wish to set the records straight. The church leads the members by (1) Preaching the Word to them. (Romans 10:14, KJV): “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” This is why God has called us from the world, sanctified us, and empowered us to go to the world, preach the gospel to them and tell them the goodness of Him. (2) Those that believe, we must teach them what Christ has taught us. (Matthew 28:20, KJV): “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:” If we preach to them and teach them well, they will practice what is right, then God will transform their lives and give them all they want. (Matthew 6:33 KJV): “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” In connection to the above quotations, the bitter truth is that the church is not a business venture for creating businesses or wealth for members, but the church gives biblical directions that will lead the members to Christ who will eventually transform their lives and give them their heart desires.

Obviously, there will be needy individuals in the church, because there are people that the church will be discipling at any given point in time. We believe that God will see to their needs in His own time, even though the church is doing its part to help such people. That does not mean that the church should not consider the less privileged.


Most churches in Ghana, including The Church of Pentecost, are poised to transforming every sphere of the society with kingdom principles and good standards of living. For this reason, The Church of Pentecost alone has achieved the following:

  • Built 96 Basic Schools across the country; 2 Senior High Schools in Kumasi and Koforidua; 2 Skills Development and Learning Centres; 1 Vocational Training Institute; 8 Healthcare Facilities (3 Hospitals & 5 Clinics); Provided financial support to some needy but brilliant students at the National, Area and District levels.

The Church also has:

1. Spent GHS 2,716,112.36 on educational scholarships to support needy but brilliant members at various levels in 2018.

2. In 2020, 74 Street children, 298 drug addicts, 38 sex workers, 101 street dwellers and 48 others were enrolled in schools, put into trade, and given vocational and entrepreneurial skills.

3. Handed over the Pentecost Convention Centre, a multi-purpose conference facility, to the Government of Ghana to host Covid-19 patients, costing the church a total of GHS 39 million during the period.

4. The Areas, Districts and local Assemblies of the church also assisted the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic to the tune of GHS 5, 412, 653.20 in providing relief support to the vulnerable members and non-members alike.

5. The church spent GHS 2,313,859.09 on health care to support members.

6. Drilled 44 boreholes in rural communities across the country.

7. The church launched the ‘Environmental Care’ campaign to take care of our environment and to fight against sanitation issues in the country.

8. The church has started a process of building 1,000,000 trees in the country.

9. 37 active Credit Unions referred to as Pentecost Cooperative Mutual Support and Social Services Societies (PENCO) providing financial assistance to members of the Church. These and many more are what the church is doing to assist humanity, aside the core mandate of winning souls and discipling people for Christ.

Many other churches are also doing great things to help develop the nation. The Church cannot do everything at once, not even the government, so it has to start from somewhere according to its strength. Looking at what the church has done for both its members and the country, I think we must praise them instead of criticising them.


Looking at the rate at which our prisons are congested, no one needs a prophet to tell us that there can be an outbreak of diseases. Again, some conditions at the prisons are detrimental to human dignity.

In order to solve these challenges (both health and human right issues), I would personally commend The Church of Pentecost for taking the initiative to find a better place for our brothers and sisters behind bars. In this case, the church did not just visit Christ when He was in prison, but rather secured a better place for Him.


We must thank God for the vision given of The Church of Pentecost. This project is not just to keep prisoners, but to train them to unearth their God-given talents as they serve their prison terms. This is equipped with facilities that will help them to learn a vocation of their choice that would help them to establish themselves after serving their prison terms.

It is worthy to note that, such a gesture will help transform the prisoners and lead them to live a better life.


We must see this corporate social responsibility of The Church of Pentecost as God-given. Let us encourage the church so that other churches will follow suit. Criticising someone for doing something good may not encourage him to do more. However, acknowledging their good gestures and showing appreciation can bring out better things from them.

As a country, we must not criticise blindly, rather, we must be circumspect in our criticism.



By Nana Owusu Nkrumah, Broadcast Journalist

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Apostle Dr. Walker Interacts With Staff Of Tarkwa Pentecost Hospital

The Tarkwa Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker, has paid a working visit to the Pentecost Hospital-Tarkwa, to familiarise himself with the operations at the facility.

Apostle Dr Walker, an Executive Council Member and Coordinator of the Western and Western North Regional Coordinating Committee of the Church, was at the facility on March 4, 2021. He was joined by Pastor Charles Owusu Mpiani, District Minister for Adieyie, who also doubles as the Area Media Pastor.

He was welcomed to the facility by the General Manager, Pastor Dr. Suleman De-Graft Issaka, and Elder Isaac Ofori Adom, Head of Finance.

Apostle Dr. Walker was taken round the facility where he interacted with the staff.

Addressing a section of the staff, the Area Head urged them to uphold the vision and mission of the church and the hospital. He further entreated them to continue to hold clients who patronise the facility in high esteem.

He ended by encouraging the staff to work as a team, saying, “If you travel alone, you will go fast but if you travel together, you will go far.” He assured the staff of the church’s unwavering support to the hospital to become a preferable facility in the area.

As part of the visit, Apostle Dr. Walker donated two nebulizers to the hospital.

The General Manager, Pastor Dr. Suleman De-Graft Issaka,thanked the Area Head for the visit. He assured him that the nebulizers will be used for the intended purpose.

Pastor Dr. De-Graft Issaka disclosed that in 2020, the Head Office of the Church gave the facility GHS 250,000.00 to complete a disability-friendly ramp and a link at the hospital.

He added that the hospital received financial support from the Tarkwa Area for the construction of a new Outpatient Department (OPD). According to him, a good amount of money was also donated by Ardent Fire Protection Limited, a company belonging to Elder John Arthur, the Tarkwa Area Deacon, to the facility.

The General Manager expressed appreciation to the Chairman of the Church, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, the Executive Council, the PENTSOS Directorate and members of the Church for their support to the hospital.

Pentecost Hospital-Tarkwa started as a mobile clinic in 1984. It became a static clinic in 2005. It has 141 permanent staff and 21 temporary staff. The Hospital has been fully accredited by both the Health Facilities Regulatory Agency (HeFRA) and the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) as a Primary Hospital.

Report by Sandra Walker & Deloris Jennifer Annan.

PENTSOS Donates Hospital

PENTSOS Donates Hospital Beds To Sandford Clinic

The Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS), the social services arm of The Church of Pentecost, through its Health Service Unit has donated two hospital beds to the Sandford Clinic at Kofi Kope, near Afienya to support the facility in serving the community.

The donation was in response to calls by the facility to the church to help boost facilities at the clinic to curb the situation where patients lie on benches and on bare floor for want of beds.

The Afienya District Minister of the church, Pastor Andrews Oduro Ampaw, who represented the Ashaiman Area, Prophet David Kankam Beditor, thanked PENTSOS for the prompt redemption and how beneficial the gesture is to the people.  

Mrs. Sabina Dadzie, the nurse in charge, and her team were highly elated for the timely support, which they said will go a long way to ensure quality care to the people in the catchment community. They expressed their keenness in ensuring that the people of Kofi Kope get the best of care.

Elder Alexander K. N. Frimpong, the Health Coordinator of PENTSOS and Ms. Belinda Otabil, the Administrative Manager for health, who represented the PENTSOS Director, Elder Richard Amaning, identified the gesture as part of the demonstration of the role that social services are playing in the realization of the possessing the nations agenda of the church.


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PENTSOS Ends Skills Training In Yendi Area

The Pentecost Social Services (PENTSOS), the social services wing of The Church of Pentecost, in collaboration with the Yendi Area of the church, has organised a 3-day residential skills training for members of the church in the Yendi Area.

This highly commendable event, which took place from 22nd to 24th April 2021 at the Yendi Central church auditorium, saw over 100 participants attending from all 28 districts of the Area.

In an address to open the training programme, the Area Head, Pastor Emmanuel Kojo Aidoo, expressed his appreciation to the PENTSOS Directorate for organising the event to equip the members in the Area. He admonished the participants to take the training seriously to improve their economic lives. He assured them of the church’s support for them to establish their businesses.

The participants acquired skills in the making of various pastries such as spring rolls, doughnuts, Chin-Chin, meat pie, ice cream, and yoghurt production.

The facilitators for the programme were Mrs. Lydia Ghanney from the Pentecost Vocational Training Institute, Gbawe-Accra, supported by Ms. Maame Sika from the PENTSOS Directorate.

Participants were supported with some items such as flour, sieves, saucepans, bottles of oil, rolling pins to help them practice and also establish their pastry businesses.

Certificates were also awarded to the participants.

Report by Overseer Martin Ossom Boafo, Yendi Area Reporter.

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Sakumono PIWC Donates 50 Desks To Winneba PPS

The Sakumono Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC, Sakumono) in the Teshie-Nungua Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated 50 desks and chairs worth GH¢10,000.00 to the Pentecost Preparatory School (PPS), Winneba.

The desks and chairs were presented to the school by the Winneba Area Head, Apostle Samuel Otu Appiah, on behalf of the Resident Minister of Sakumono PIWC, Pastor Anthony Owusu Sekyere Kwarteng, on April 9, 2021.

Apostle Otu Appiah advised the school’s management to take good care of the desks and use them to enhance academic performance in the school.

The Headmistress, Mrs Abigail Anner, who received the desks and chairs, expressed her sincerest appreciation to Sakumono PIWC for the timely support. She assured the Area Head that the desks and chairs would be used for the intended purpose to improve academic performance in the school.

Present at the short ceremony were Pastor Daniel Obeng Mensah (PENSA Travelling Secretary for Winneba Sector and Chairman of the PPS Management Committee), Pastor Emmanuel Foster Asamoah (Abasraba District Minister), Pastor Isaac Sunkwah (Gyahadze District Minister and Area PENTSOS Coordinator), and staff and students of the school.

Report by Pastor Isaac Sunkwah, Winneba Area Reporter.

J.C. Quaye Assembly Donates To Methodist Rafiki Satellite Village3

J.C. Quaye Assembly Donates To Methodist Rafiki Satellite Village

The J.C. Quaye Assembly in the Lowcost District in the Winneba Area of The Church of Pentecost has feted and donated assorted items and food to Methodist Rafiki Satellite Village at Gyahadze, near Winneba.

The visit, which took place on February 14, 2021, formed part of the efforts to possess the nations and to celebrate Valentine’s Day with the inmates of the orphanage. 

The District Minister, Pastor Kofi Boateng, assisted by Elder DSP Alexander Otu-Bekoe and the Local Presbyters, presented the items worth GH¢ 6,000.00 to the Home.

The items donated include bags of rice, cooking oil, toiletries, assorted drinks, biscuits, bags of water, and clothing.

In a short remark, Pastor Kofi Boateng said that “the tendency to forget the vulnerable and the needy on this day [Valentine’s Day] is high especially during this Covid-19 pandemic. But the love of Christ must compel all people especially believers to show love to orphans, widows, and the needy among us.”

The Director of the Methodist Rafiki Satellite Village, Rev. Dr. Isaac Nana Abekah, who received the items on behalf of the Home, was full of praise to The Church of Pentecost for the kind gesture.

Report by Pastor Isaac Sunkwa, Winneba Area Reporter.

CoP Kamina Barracks District Donates To Military Hospital-A

CoP Kamina Barracks District Donates To Military Hospital

The Kamina Barracks District in the Tamale Area of The Church of Pentecost has donated two sets of air conditioners worth GH¢ 3,200.00 to the Outpatient Department (OPD) of the Kamina Barracks Military Hospital.

The donation which was made on Tuesday, February 2, 2021, was presented by the District Minister, Pastor Isaac Deku. He was accompanied by some officers and members of the church.

Captain Enos, receiving the items on behalf of the SMO of the Hospital, Major (Dr) Alhassan, thanked The Church of Pentecost for the kind gesture shown them. He expressed his joy of the donation which will go a long way to help the medical staff in the discharge of their duties both to patients.

Among the hospital staff present at the short ceremony were Major Asante Yeboah, Mrs. Angelina Ennuson (Matron of the hospital), and Mr. Albert Agbesi Nyewayor (Administrator of the hospital).