A People Of God Unleased To Transform Their World With Personal Holiness

Scripture References: Ezekiel 48:11 – 18, 2 Timothy 2:19 – 22, Ecclesiastes 8:11

Eli was the high priest and had forgotten what it was to be in the priesthood and what the priesthood is all about. The Bible says that he had been in ministry so long that he was lazy, undisciplined, blind, had lost his vision, and would not discipline his sons who were totally immoral and would not straighten up. Eli was a mess spiritually, and his family was a mess too; he was doing church stuff while all kinds of immorality were going on (1 Samuel 1:1-15).

Personal sin does not stop ministry. The gifts and callings of God are without repentance. When God gives a gift, He does not take it back. Bad things can happen, and for a season, God will allow that person to continue to function as normal.

When your attitude as a believer becomes easier to get forgiveness than permission, you are in trouble.

In this text, God was saying, “I see that there are two priesthoods that are in the house (the temple).”


They are those who are wrong and not delivering right, yet they are ministering. God still said He’s going to use them. He’ll let them have ministry in His house. They’ll minister to people but will not come near to me (God). The fact that He has given you that gift, He’ll let you minister to His people—the word, ministration, singing, healing, prophetic, etc. Because His word does not return void, it has to make an impact. God loves His people so much that He will use anything, even a donkey, to speak to them.


  1. It is impure.
  2. It compromises.
  3. It says, “I can live like I want to live, and my gifts will still work.”

Judgment does not immediately come, but listen, God can be blessing you. Businessperson, your gifts may be making money, and God can be blessing you; He doesn’t inspire personal sin. He is gracious, kind, long-suffering, and patient with us.

In Ezekiel 44:11, they will do all these things, but God said:

They shall be ministers in my sanctuary, having oversight at the gates of the temple and ministering in the temple. They shall slaughter the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they shall stand before the people to minister to them.”

  1. They will not have intimacy with me
  2. They will not come into my holy place, and
  3. They will not come near me.

This is one of the scariest scriptures ever heard. Imagine that all you’ve been this far is all about outward performance, and you’re ministering to them through the gifts. You can preach if you got drunk last night, and your gifts will still work. You can minister to people and not touch God; you don’t come near Him. What kind of priesthood do you want to be? Do you want a wall that looks religious outwardly, and everybody thinks one thing, but personally, you’re unclean? The gifts will work for a season no matter what you’re doing, but you’ll never get near God.

I want to be that person who has fun, lives life, enjoys life, and has success, but I want to be pure, I want to be clean, I want to be holy like Jesus, I want to be sanctified by Jesus and set apart.

I can tell by how much you sing, how successful you are, how religious you look outside here; the issue is, in God’s eyes, when He looks beyond the surface, does He see the LINEN UNDERWEAR? This means personal holiness in areas of your life that people cannot see. That’s the issue.

On the other hand, the priesthood of Eli is those that are corrupt and unclean, but there is another priesthood in verse 15.


Zadok comes from a Hebrew word, TSODEK, meaning ‘to be right,’’ to be correct,’’ and ‘to be righteous’’ (Ezekiel 44:15-18).


  1. They shall come near me.
  2. They shall minister unto me.
  3. They shall stand before me to offer sacrifices.
  4. They shall keep His charge and approach His table to minister to Him.

“I don’t want them to sweat; the curse of men was the sweat of the brow when Adam fell into sin. But God is saying to the Levites here: I don’t want you to sweat; I want you to come into My presence. It’s not your ability and talent; it’s your relationship with me that’s more important. You’ll minister to them more effectively because you’ll minister to me first with a life that you live—a personal holiness.”

Nobody knows what you have hidden under that priestly garment. Nobody knows what colour your underwear is; we’re not going to check. Nobody knows if you have your own underwear; only God and you know, and that is what exactly He was saying in the text. Only God and you know personally if you’re living a life of purity and holiness. Underwear doesn’t show externally on you, and God knows for sure if it’s on or not. In this text, God was talking about our PERSONAL HOLINESS; it’s private, it’s personal, and it’s internal.

Everywhere good results are happening doesn’t mean it’s clean, it’s pure, and it’s acceptable to God. I choose a ministry that ministers to God. It’s not what’s going on in a person’s public life but what’s going on in their private life that really matters. God is getting ready to change the priesthood in some people if they don’t get it right.

  • Brother Saul had no idea; his replacement David was growing up in his house. And when he was playing the harp, he had no idea he was his replacement because God was long-suffering.
  • Pharaoh had no idea when Moses was little and sitting on his table eating cornflakes, T.Z., and fufu. He had no idea he was so powerful; everything outwardly looked like he’s wonderful in Egypt. He didn’t know Moses was raised up to replace him.
  • Eli’s ministry—in this ministry, God is not in a hurry. Eli is just ministering corrupt, immoral, and dishonest; his boys sleep with women in the church, do drugs get high, and smoke cigarettes. To be used by God is a precious thing; treasure it, guide it. Don’t play with God’s anointing, talents, and favour because you can lose it. There’s a difference between an ELI’s priesthood and ZADOK; those who have been with me.

There are two priesthoods; there are singers who minister to people, but God said they won’t minister to me. Their music won’t minister to me, their preaching won’t minister to me, their business won’t minister to me. It will only minister to people. There are two kinds of musicians: the music that ministers to people and that which ministers to God (2 Timothy 2:20-22).

20 Now, in a great house, there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honourable use, some for dishonourable. 21 Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonourable, he will be a vessel for honourable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work. 22 So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.

When you understand that there are vessels of honour and dishonour, He’s promoting, and He’s demoting some. We’re in an hour of transition (2 Timothy 2:19). That’s personal holiness.”

In verse 21, if you judge yourself, I won’t judge you—sit yourself down and stop that which entangles you. Get on your knees and repent, and God says, I will keep blessing you; I will keep promoting you. But if you ever get the chance to play the game with Christians, then you’ve got a season to make a change. Anyone who wants to do right, God will help you. ZADOK or ELI is a vessel of honour or a vessel of dishonour. Lord, purge me, cleanse me, and use me—this is after you’ve realized your faults. This is a kind of message that would get you to heaven; it will make you do an inspection of your soul. This is a kind of warning from the Lord in the gentleness of love. I believe the Lord wants you to know the difference in His grace and mercy.

Grace is God giving you what you don’t deserve. Mercy is God holding back what you deserve. Now, I want to see some people doing a God check, saying am I going to heaven? Am I a vessel of honour or dishonour? Am I really drawing near to God? Do I ever get in His presence, or is it just outward religion on Sunday as ELI or as ZADOK? Draw near to me.

Written by Elder Wayo Felix (Abesim District – English Assembly)


The Spirituality Of Choreography: A Case For The Christian Dance Ministry

In the realm of worship, where words often fall short, and melodies linger in the air, there exists a language that transcends the confines of speech and melody—a language written in the rhythmic movements of the body. Welcome to the captivating world of Christian choreography, where every step becomes a prayer and each movement a profound dialogue with the divine. 

In the quiet sanctuaries and vibrant fellowship halls of Christian communities, a unique ministry unfolds—one that weaves together the physical and the spiritual, the seen and the unseen. Christian dance ministry, often overlooked in its transformative power, emerges as a sacred art form, a choreographed symphony that echoes the heartbeats of worshipers and resonates with the whispers of the Holy Spirit.

Choreography, a long-aged form of artistic expression, has been a part of human livelihood for as long as history records. Today, the secular world has embraced dance choreography challenges as a creative and engaging way to drive music and entertainment. Many songs have made the top of billboards and charts because a well-crafted choreography accompanied their promotion. This phenomenon has become increasingly popular, especially with the rise of social media platforms like TikTok that allow users to share their choreography performances globally.

In exploring the depths of Christian choreography, we uncover a tapestry woven with spiritual significance and divine mysteries, as illuminated by the holy scriptures:

  1. Ecclesiastes 3:4: A Time to Dance

The famous passage in Ecclesiastes 3:4 reminds us that there is a time for everything, including a time to dance. This scripture implies that dance is not merely a physical activity but holds a designated place in the divine order, emphasising the spiritual significance of rhythmic movement. The Christian Dance Ministry fulfils this place within Christian worship.

  • Dancing before the Lord: A Biblical Tradition

The Bible introduces us to the concept of dance as a sacred expression of joy and praise. In Psalm 149:3, we are encouraged to “Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp.” This ancient tradition of dancing before the Lord symbolises a connection between the physical and spiritual realms. 

  •  Dance as Worship: Miriam’s Mass Dance

The story of Miriam in Exodus 15:20-21 reveals the spiritual power embedded in dance. Miriam, who was addressed in this passage as a prophetess, took a timbrel and led the Israelite women in dance after the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea. This act of celebration through dance demonstrates the profound spiritual impact dance can have on worship and gratitude. After such a miraculous act, words failed; something more than that was required, and dance came to the rescue.

  • Davidic Dancing: A Heartfelt Expression

King David, known for his profound connection with God, exemplifies the spiritual depth of dance in 2 Samuel 6:14. Dancing before the Ark of the Covenant, David exhibited unrestrained joy, emphasising that our physical movements can genuinely reflect the joyous spirit within. The Bible was interested in accounting that the dance of David, which indeed pleased the Lord, was despised by Michal, his wife – this situation has been the case to date. Many people despise this sacred ministry.

The Christian dance ministry, when integrated thoughtfully into the life of the church, can offer numerous advantages and contribute significantly to spiritual, communal, and effective outreach deployments. Christian dance provides a unique avenue for worship and spiritual expression. Through choreography, dancers can convey deep emotions, joy, gratitude, and reverence, fostering a richer and more holistic worship experience for the congregation.

Participation in a dance ministry fosters a sense of community among members, especially the youth. As they collaborate in choreography and rehearse together, strong bonds are formed, creating a supportive and encouraging community within the church.

Christian dance performances can be utilised in evangelistic efforts, reaching out to the broader community. Dance has the potential to captivate audiences and serve as a powerful tool for sharing the love of Christ with those outside the church.

In summary, the Christian dance ministry offers a range of advantages, from deepening the spiritual experience of worship to fostering community and engagement across diverse demographics within the body of Christ. Now more than ever, the Christian dance ministry must be given a place and a heightened room for operation. As with any ministry, careful consideration of the congregation’s needs, cultural context, and theological foundations is essential for its effective implementation – a conversation we can have on another day.

Written by Deacon Rendolf Bamfo Apaah [PENSA Ghana Literary Head, 2021]


The Lord’s Garden: Flourishing With Children’s Laughter

In the tapestry of life, children are the vibrant threads that weave joy, innocence, and hope into the fabric of our existence. The Lord’s Garden, as we affectionately call it, is a metaphorical oasis where these blossoms of pure delight thrive, creating an environment brimming with the laughter and curiosity of the young souls entrusted to our care.

In this sacred space, every child is a unique bloom, nurtured by the collective efforts of parents, educators, and the community at large. The responsibility to tend to these tender shoots is a shared one, with each adult serving as a gardener in the grand design of the Lord’s Garden.

Within the Garden’s bounds, we witness the enchanting dance of diversity, where children of various backgrounds, cultures, and abilities coalesce harmoniously. The essence of this place lies in its inclusive embrace, fostering an atmosphere where differences are celebrated, and every child’s individuality is cherished.

The laughter that echoes through the Lord’s Garden is a testament to the resilience and optimism inherent in childhood. It resonates in the classrooms, playgrounds, and corridors, forming a symphony that uplifts spirits and brings smiles to the faces of all who enter this sacred space. It is a melody that transcends linguistic barriers, connecting hearts and souls in a universal language of joy.

Education, both formal and informal, is the fertile soil in which the Lord’s Garden flourishes. Here, the seeds of knowledge, empathy, and compassion are sown, and young minds are encouraged to blossom into individuals who contribute positively to the world. As educators, we take pride in nurturing not only the intellect but also the character of these budding personalities.

In the Lord’s Garden, the concept of growth extends beyond academic achievements. It encompasses emotional intelligence, social skills, and a deep-rooted understanding of the values that form the bedrock of a compassionate and just society. Through the guidance of dedicated mentors, the children learn to navigate the complexities of life with resilience, kindness, and an unwavering sense of purpose.

The vibrancy of the Lord’s Garden is not confined to its physical space; it extends into the broader community. Parents, guardians, and caregivers play pivotal roles as stewards, tending to the well-being of the children and contributing to the nurturing environment that defines this special place.

As we cultivate the Lord’s Garden, remember that safeguarding and nurturing the next generation is a sacred duty. It is an investment in the future, ensuring that the seeds planted today will grow into sturdy trees, providing shade and sustenance for future generations.

In the Lord’s Garden, let us continue to celebrate the laughter of children, for it is the melody that carries the promise of a brighter tomorrow. May our collective efforts as guardians of this sacred space yield a bountiful harvest of compassionate, resilient, and enlightened individuals, enriching the world with their unique contributions.

Until then, listen to the kids’ side.

Written by Elder Owusu Bibini (Dumasua District)


Unleashing Divine Creativity: Exploring Creativity In Christ

In the Christian faith, creativity is not merely a human endeavour but a reflection of God Himself. Creativity is a divine gift given to humankind, and as believers, exploring creativity in Christ adds a unique dimension to our understanding of this profound aspect of our existence. The Bible emphasises the role of God as the ultimate artist, designer, and innovator. As we explore the idea of creativity in Christ, we learn how our artistic endeavours can serve as a platform for worship and a reflection of God’s glory.

The Bible opens with the story of God creating the heavens and the earth. Humanity is described as having been made in the likeness of God in Genesis 1:27. The capacity for creation is a part of our innate relationship with our Creator. We participate in a kind of co-creation with God when we create, mirroring His creative essence.

God’s creativity extends beyond the material world to encompass the complexities of each of our unique existences. We are reminded that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in Psalm 139:13–14. Every individual is a singular work of art, a manifestation of God’s ingenuity and purpose. As Christians, we may appreciate the richness of God’s artistic expression in our lives when we acknowledge and celebrate the creative aspects of who we are.

Our creative expressions can be a form of worship, acknowledging and glorifying the Creator. Whether it be through art, music, writing, or any other form of creative endeavour, we have the opportunity to use our talents to bring glory to God. Colossians 3:23 encourages us to do everything as if we are working for the Lord. This includes our creative pursuits as we offer our skills and abilities back to God in gratitude for the creativity He has bestowed upon us.

As Christians, we believe in the transformative power of Christ’s love. This transformative aspect extends to our creativity as well. When our minds are renewed in Christ, our creativity is also transformed. Our creative expressions can become instruments of love, hope, and redemption, reflecting the transformative work of the Holy Spirit within us.

Exploring creativity in Christ reveals a deep relationship between our artistic pursuits and our religion. We have the honour and privilege of using our creativity to honour and glorify God as co-creators. Our artistic endeavours turn into a kind of worship and a celebration of who we are as specially made creatures in the likeness of the Almighty. We add to the ongoing story of God’s creative and redemptive work in the world by allowing the love and truth of Christ to permeate our creative endeavours.

Written by Joshua Oduro Owusu Afari

GMWC web

GMWC: A Historic Refreshing Event To Always Look Forward To


The Church of Pentecost, like every institution, is both an organism and an organisation. Our dear Chairman, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, explains that the Church is an organism because there is life in it and dispenses life.

It is also an organisation because it thrives on structures, systems, and the programme of activities that drive the organism to be active, potent, and effective.

One of the Church’s flagship major programs that drive the organisation is the annual week-long retreat, generally known as the Ministers and Wives Conference or the Global Ministers and Wives Conference (GMWC) if it is held globally for all clergy and their spouses within the church.

After successful events over the period, it is clear to me that this conference is one to always look forward to in January every year.

In this article, I will attempt to reflect on some reasons to always anticipate the Ministers and Wives Conference (MWC) or the Global Ministers and Wives Conference (GMWC).


Drawing from the Psalmist submission on the goodness and pleasantness that characterises the dwelling together of the brethren, I see the GMWC or the MWC as one of the beautiful platforms for building fellowships and strengthening our ministerial bonds. In these meetings, Bible schoolmates reunite to share fond memories, get to see each other and reignite the warmth of being together. Fellowshipping and reuniting among the clergy and our spouses create a sense of belongingness, drive companionship, and deepen the camaraderie that leads to the cultivation and sustenance of healthy connections.


A significant observation from the GMWC or MWCs relates to the intensity of the spiritual atmosphere created for encounters, transformations, and impartations. The structure of these conferences is set in such a way that participants are brought into a place where their physical nature engages with the supernatural. Indeed, the intense spiritual atmosphere programs a climate for many spiritual possibilities and spiritual expressions driven by hunger, passion, and yieldedness indicative of the understanding that patrons have come to receive new wine into their new wineskins.


One cannot discuss the GMWC without touching on the music production during these conferences. From its outset, music has also played a significant role in modifying the engagement between human patrons and the supernatural, making it an enviable toast. Led by the vocal powerhouse – The Voice of Pentecost, patrons can expect nothing else but a sumptuous service of a bouquet of well-arranged theme songs, classical Pentecostal choruses, and meditative hymns garnished with a colourful blend of contemporary tunes all served on trays of unique vocal abilities and skillful instrumentations. Indeed, the colour that the Voice of Pentecost brings to the table cannot be quantified.


I see the MWC/GMWC as an avenue for spiritual recalibration and re-engineering. The prophet Isaiah says the remnant of Judah will be rooted downwards and fruitful upwards (2Kgs. 19:30). So, in these conferences, we see a conscious effort by leadership through the power of the Holy Spirit to teach ministers and their wives God’s word. In these meetings, the various topics pertaining to the theme for the year are thoroughly discussed, and intense prayer sessions are offered. The pastoralia moments where deep insights for effective pastoring and shepherding serve as great reminders for patrons to be wary of ministerial pitfalls while aggregating ministerial gems to make giant strides in their stations of operation. Usually, the look on the faces of patrons is one filled with fresh zeal, revelation, understanding, poise and renewed passion to soar like an eagle with a clear vision and strong momentum to do God’s will.


One key aspect of the GMWC/MWC is to get the entire church public united and have a sense of inclusivity in carrying them along the vision and heart of God as directed through leadership. This is the reason why platforms have been created to broadcast the programme live on TV and social media platforms, including Zoom and Webinar. This allows both in-person patrons and the virtual audience who are stakeholders to receive God’s spiritual direction for the Church first-hand in the ensuing years, particularly in these times of the unleashing agenda. This allows for effective assimilation of the agreed strategy to facilitate easy implementation. For nothing can stop the force unleashed on the wings of unity and inclusivity.


The purpose of this article was to offer five reasons why the Global Ministers and Wives Conference (GMWC) is always an event to look forward to. With the kind of preparations and planning that go into such events, it is clear that this year’s event would not be different but an unforgettable encounter.

Written by Pastor Kwasi Asante Annor (General Manager, PENT TV)


Who Is On The Lord’s Side? – Homosexual Manifesto Vows To Infiltrate And Close The Church

Just when we thought the dust had settled for the signing of the anti-LGBTQI+ Bill by the President, new disturbing developments have cropped up to delay the presidential assent. The new developments are: first, the inordinate delay in finalising the Bill by Parliamentarians; second, the interview granted by a top Ghanaian clergyman to the BBC; third, the declaration of Fiducia Supplicans[1]to allow the blessing of same-sex marriages.  


On 6th October 2019, the President, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, assured that “so long as he remains President, there is no way Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) will be introduced into the school curricula[2]”. The President of the Republic firmed up his stance on LGBTQ+ matters to the nation in Asante Mampong Anglican Church when he declared that “it will not be under the presidency of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo that same-sex marriage will be legalised in Ghana; it will never happen in my time as president[3][4].” This much-awaited statement made over 94.4% of Ghana’s population shout for joy, applauding the President for his bold stance. 94.4% of Ghanaians cheering on the President is such an overwhelming majority that no political party will gamble with them for any reason. Of course, the 94.4%4 comprises 71.3% in the Christian community, 19.9% Muslims and 3.2% traditionalists conspicuously represented by our indefatigable chiefs and custodians of our customs. If 4.5% of the population professing “Other Religions” are added, the faith–based community in Ghana makes up 98.9% of the population. The mind-boggling question in the homes and streets of Ghana is why there is inexplicable stagnation in passing the Bill by Parliament. The Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament has concluded its work and recommended that the Bill be passed. 

In fact, passing the Bill and its assent by the President is overly anticipated by most Ghanaians. An overwhelming majority supported the passing of the Bill because, on the day the Constitutional Committee presented the Bill to Parliament, all the 275 Members of Parliament[5] unanimously agreed that the Bill should be accepted for consideration and passed into law. Lawsuits filed in the Supreme Court to stop Parliament from considering the Bill have been disposed of. Therefore, there is no hindrance to the passing of the Bill. Additionally, the Bill is not expected to face the constitutional hurdles the “Witchcraft Bill”[6] suffered because the Attorney-General has raised these constitutional concerns about article 108 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana to the extent that private members’ bill cannot impose financial burden on the government and the same meticulously dealt with. Parliament should, therefore, bear in mind that their constituents are anxiously waiting for them to finish with the Bill for the President’s assent.


The week commencing on 27th November 2023 was filled with matters arising from an interview granted to the BBC HardTalk by Cardinal Peter Kwodwo Turkson. A revered, colossal clergy best placed at the Vatican and touted to become the first African Pontiff. Our prayers certainly rise through the solitude of the night for the realisation of this sweet dream, a remarkable honour for the nation of Ghana. However, the short interview the revered priest granted to the BBC HardTalk did not assist the stance of the Church regarding the anti-LGBTQ+ Bill. He is said to have advocated tolerance for LGBTQ+ and criticised the anti-LBTQ+ Bill the whole country is praying for. He is further quoted to have suggested that LGBTQ+ practitioners need more education and understanding. Quite frankly, the revered clergy misunderstood the LGBTQ+ Bill and the supporting memoranda submitted on behalf of the broadest spectrum of the Ghanaian society. The anti-Homosexual Bill has copious memoranda from every facet of Ghanaian society. The revered Cardinal later issued a statement on the assertions made in his interview, which demonstrates his u-turn on LGBTQ+ matters. 


On 12th December 2023, Graphic Online published the statement by the revered Cardinal Turkson to clarify the BBC interview. The letter dated 7/12/23 by Cardinal Turkson constitutes a conspicuous u-turn from attacking the anti-Homosexual Bill to supporting and approving it. The caption of the response by the Cardinal is, “Let us not criminalise people for who/what they are; let us criminalise people for what they do!”  The response further states, 

“I thought, therefore, that there was the need for some education, first to properly understand the phenomenon and its diverse manifestations in people and secondly, to distinguish between the phenomenon/tendency and its manifestation in homosexual acts. While the latter can be legislated and, thus, condemned or criminalised by a community or a State, the former, the phenomenon/tendency, may not be criminalised. There are no acts/deeds to criminalise!”  

In plain words, the revered Cardinal is saying that if people think or say or want to be or feel like homosexuals, then they cannot be criminalised, but if they decide to manifest or practise or display that intention or feeling in the community then the manifestation or practise or display of the homosexual acts must be criminalised. In other words, Cardinal Turkson’s u-turn statement is that – CRIMINALISE ACTS OF HOMOSEXUALITY, NOT THE HUMAN HOMOSEXUALS. This is an explicit approval of the anti–LGTBQ+ Bill before Parliament because the Bill does not stop anybody from being a homosexual, but the acts of homosexuality and aiding and abetting of the same within the borders of Ghana are those the Bill seeks to proscribe. May I state categorically that the laws of Ghana do not criminalise any human being? The laws criminalise undesirable acts. Indeed, Article 19(2) provides, “A person charged with a criminal offence shall – (c) be presumed to be innocent until he is proven or has pleaded guilty;” Clearly, the Constitution does not allow any person to be called or treated as a criminal (even if caught red-handed) unless the act constituting a crime has been proved against that person in the competent courts of law. May I add that criminality and criminal law and justice are founded upon two main ingredients? They are intent or intention (mens rea) and an act (actus reus). As long as one nurses a criminal intent/intention but does not manifest it in a physical act, they have no problem with the law (though there may be inchoate offences where criminal intent may not be executed entirely. see the Annotated Criminal Code of Ghana by HL Prof. Henrietta Mensah Bonsu.) 

Similarly, anyone can call or consider themselves homosexuals, but as long as they do not involve themselves in the acts or activities of homosexuality, they have no problem with the anti-LGBTQ+ law.  


It is quite strange that many people within the international community have misunderstood the anti-LGBTQ+ Bill. As summarised in the Communique by the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference (dated

11/12/2023), “the bill aimed to provide for proper human sexual rights and Ghanaian family values, proscribe LGBTQ+ and related activities, and protect children, persons who were victims or accused of LGBTTQQIAAP+ and related activities”.  Rightly captured by the Bishops, the anti-LGBTQ+ Bill aims at criminalising, among others, wanton attacks on people perceived as homosexuals, victims of homosexual acts and children lured into homosexual acts. In fact, the anti-LGBTQ+ Bill protects homosexuals from attacks. How can anyone claiming to be a human rights activist oppose such a Bill? The Bill satisfies Article 19(5) of the Constitution of Ghana 1992; a “person shall not be charged with or held to be guilty of a criminal offence which is founded on an act or omission that did not at the time it took place constitute an offence.” Thus, the anti-LGBTQ+ Bill seeks to do the very thing revered Cardinal Turkson now advocates, “Let us not criminalise people for who/what they are; let us criminalise people for what they do!” The Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference shares this position with Cardinal Turkson. However, to be able to criminalise what people do, there must be legislation creating the offences and prescribing the penalties that go with them before the country can punish homosexual acts.  The Catholic Bishops Conference, again, have made it clear in their communique dated 11/12/2023, 

“… we can state that the draft bill on “Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values 2021 currently in Parliament is in the right direction, as it seeks to enact laws against criminal homosexual acts.” The President should, therefore, take into cognisance the u-turn by Cardinal Turkson in favour of the Bill and the clear stance of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference and hasten to sign the Bill without further delay. 


Let it be made known that LGBTQ+ adherents have a Homosexual Manifesto they are aggressively pursuing in the world. In 1971/79, theGay Liberation Front in London unveiled their Manifesto[7] to seek, among other aims, freedom from discrimination.   

However, according to United States Congressional Records, reproduced by Michael Swift in 1987, the Homosexual Manifesto,[8] nicknamed “Gay Revolutionary” has the following aims and pursuit:    

  1. “We shall sodomize your sons. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theatre bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together.” 
  • “Women, we shall give your men pleasures they have never known because we are foremost men too, and only one man knows how to truly please another man; only one man can understand the depth and feeling, the mind and body of another man.” 
  • “All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men.” 
  • “We shall write poems of the love between men; we shall stage plays in which man openly caresses man; we shall make films about the love between heroic men which will replace heterosexual infatuations presently dominating your cinema screens. We shall sculpt statues of beautiful young men and bold athletes, which will be placed in your parks, squares, and plazas. The museums of the world will be filled only with paintings of graceful, naked lads.” 
  • “Our writers and artists will make love between men fashionable and de rigueur, and we will succeed because we are adept at setting styles. We will eliminate heterosexual liaisons through usage of the  Redeeming the Rainbow[9] devices of wit and ridicule, devices which we are skilled in employing.”
  • “We will unmask the powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals. You will be shocked and frightened when you find that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your senators, your mayors, your generals, your athletes, your film stars, your television personalities, your civic leaders, and your priests are not the safe, familiar, bourgeois, heterosexual figures you assumed them to be. 
  • “We are everywhere; we have infiltrated your ranks. Be careful when you speak of homosexuals because we are always among you; we may be sitting across the desk from you; we may be sleeping in the same bed with you.” 
  • “We are highly intelligent; we are the natural aristocrats of the human race, and steely-minded aristocrats never settle for less. Those who oppose us will be exiled. We shall raise vast private armies to defeat you. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honour are invincible.” 
  • “The family will be abolished, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in a communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.” 
  1. “All churches who condemn us will be closed. All that is ugly and, vulgar and banal will be annihilated. For us, too much is not enough.” 
  1. “The exquisite society to emerge will be governed by an elite comprised of gay poets. Any man

contaminated with heterosexual lust will be automatically barred from a position of influence.” 

  1. “Heterosexuals will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men. We shall rewrite history. We shall portray the homosexuality of the great leaders and thinkers who have shaped the world. We will demonstrate that homosexuality and intelligence and imagination are inextricably linked, and that homosexuality is a requirement for true nobility.” 
  1. “We shall be victorious because we too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution.” 


Anybody who thinks that speaking against homosexuality is homophobic should think again. A careful reading of the above homosexual manifesto or “Gay Revolutionary” presented to the United States of American Congress and heavily backed by the government of the United States reveals that the content of the manifesto is being implemented to the letter in the USA and Europe. In their own words, “[W]e are everywhere; we have infiltrated your ranks”. Is this not true? They have infiltrated even the Church, leading to a break in fellowship within some Churches. 

In the explanation by the revered Cardinal Turkson, corroborated by the Ghana Catholic Bishops 

Conference, it is admitted that “[T]he long-held teaching of the Roman Catholic Church has been that while homosexual people are to be loved and respected and not be discriminated against, homosexual acts are intrinsically immoral and must be condemned.”(emphasis mine). If the Catholic Church, indeed, considers “homosexual acts are intrinsically immoral and must be condemned” then why the issuance of Fiducia Supplicans8 in 2023? 


I humbly borrow from the Commonwealth Hall, University of Ghana, their motto coined from John 

Donne’s Satire III, thus, “On a huge hill, cragged, and steep, Truth stands and he that will reach her, about must and about must go.”  

Ghana, our beloved country, is at the crossroads of moral decadence. Children and teenagers cheat in examinations on their way to the top, and then we cry about corruption. Mismanagement of public resources is rampant. The Church of Pentecost, having picked the signal of the dire need for national transformation, rallied together religious leaders, top state officials, traditional leaders, government operatives and representatives of the public at the National Development Conference 2023 hosted by Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of The Church of Pentecost and President of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC). Another conference organised for All Ministers in Ghana on Moral Vision for Ghana was hosted by Apostle Eric Nyamekye in equipping priests to lead the campaign for moral transformation in our beloved country. The Churches in Ghana are, therefore, expected to provide a clear path for the nation’s moral issues. Let it be made manifestly clear that any part of the body of Christ that fails to make its stance clear on LGBTQ+ issues in Ghana has forever lost the moral right to comment on any moral issue in Ghana. Additionally, failure to refuse LGBTQ+ from the pulpit is a clear surrender of the pulpit to the enemies of the Gospel. The stern voice of Moses still reverberates: “… who is on the LORD’S side? Let him come unto me …” (Exodus 32:26 KJV). The GPCC, per their President, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has called on the President and Parliamentarians to speed up the anti-LGBTQ+ law (Daily Graphic 18/12/2023). The Christian Council and the Spokesperson of the National Chief Imam, Traditional Leaders, and all persons concerned with the future of our dear nation have made their stand clear. May we be guided by the unambiguous Word of God and the urgent need to save our dear country from moral doldrums. For the signing of the Anti – LGBTQ+ Bill, we call on the President to honour his promise to the Ghanaian people.     


Halsall, Paul  (1996), The      Internet            History            Sourcebooks   Project,             Fordham          University, www.sourcebooks.fordham.edu accessed 28/12/2023  

Kenu, D. (2019), Graphic Online 07/10/2019 www.graphic.com.gh  accessed 27/12/2023 

Nigro, S. A. (2016), THE HOMOSEXUAL MANIFESTO, Journal of Psychology and Clinical  Psychiatry, Volume 6 Issue 1   

Swift, M (1987), “Gay Revolutionary.” Reprinted from The Congressional Record of the United States

Congress. First printed in Gay Community News, February 15-21, 1987

2021 Population and Housing Census Report www.gss.gov  www.bishopsgateinstitute.org.uk     accessed 27/12/2023  www.ghanaweb.com accessed 28/12/2023   

www.vatican.va   accessed 28/12/2023  

Written by Pastor Daniel Essuman Koomson, Esq.  

[1] Fiducia Supplicans is a papal declaration to Catholic Priests to bless “couples in irregular situations and same-sex coupleswww.vatican.va 

[2] Reported by Daniel Kenu, Graphic Online 07/10/2019 www.graphic.com.gh  

[3] www.ghanaweb.com 28/02/2021  

[4] Population and Housing Census Report www.gss.gov  

[5] www.myjoyonline.com accessed 13/01/2024

[6] www.graphiconline.com

[7] www.bishopsgateinstitute.org.uk   

[8] Samuel A. Nigro, Medcrave, Journal of Psychology and Clinical Psychiatry, Volume 6 Issue 1   

[9] Emphasis mine. Some reproduced scripts do not have the ‘Redeeming the Rainbow’ phrase but it isa term adopted by certain groups including Christians to reclaim the use of the rainbow. The problem is whether such groups or some of them are not being employed by the homosexual operatives. This is how desperate the situation is getting. 


Unleashing Media Against Corruption: The Role Of Christian TV Networks


In the dynamic landscape of Ghanaian media, marked by an accelerated pace of expansion, the rise of Christian media emerges as a potent force for societal transformation. Beyond the conventional realms of journalism, Christian TV networks are positioning themselves as key players in the fight against corruption and indiscipline. This article delves into the potential of Christian media, examining its capacity to serve as a catalyst for positive change in Ghana.


Media, often referred to as the fourth estate, holds a crucial position in a democratic society. It serves as a check and balance mechanism, scrutinising the Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary. However, the efficacy of the media in fulfilling this essential role has been a subject of debate. Examples abound where media platforms have been used to incite, propagate falsehoods, and defend corruption in the name of human rights. A concerning trend is the ownership of several media outlets by politicians and individuals often implicated in corruption cases.

Not long ago, the National Media Commission listed several media stations believed to be breaking the rules of journalism. Despite this, the impact of such announcements remains unclear, with some media houses challenging these procedures. The emergence of Christian media networks signals a paradigm shift, offering a unique blend of spirituality and media that could redefine the nation’s narrative if executed effectively.


The advent of Christian media outlets like Pent TV, Precious TV, Praise TV, TACGH TV, Dominion TV, AGTV, WSTV, and Presbyterian TV, among others, introduces a breath of fresh air into the Ghanaian media landscape. Driven by Christian values, these outlets have the potential to counterbalance the toxicity often associated with mainstream political discourse. In their commitment to moral principles and a higher purpose, Christian TV networks stand as beacons of hope, promising an alternative narrative that resonates with integrity and righteousness.


As the Christian media sector gains prominence, questions arise about its readiness to shoulder the responsibility of reshaping the national discourse. For these networks to be transformative agents, a pivotal step involves transitioning from niche programming to mainstream acceptance. Aligning their content with traditional television formats while infusing it with Christ-like values can expand their reach and influence, tapping into a broader audience. Additionally, the challenge of sanitising the system and clearly identifying the truly “Christian” TV channels remains a priority.


Envision a Ghana where Christian TV networks seamlessly integrate Christ-like content into programming structures mirroring traditional television. This transformative approach has the potential to be a game-changer in addressing corruption and societal indiscipline. By tackling these issues through the lens of faith, Christian TV can provide solutions that transcend mere political rhetoric, fostering a deeper understanding of morality and responsibility.


Corruption and indiscipline have persisted as formidable obstacles to Ghana’s progress. The proposition is clear: who better to confront these challenges than Christian TV networks? Armed with a commitment to truth, integrity, and righteousness, these networks can emerge as formidable forces for change. Their programming can serve as a moral compass, urging viewers to embrace values that contribute to creating a just and disciplined society.


To fully unleash the potential of Christian TV networks, a concerted effort is needed to elevate their status in the media landscape. This involves breaking free from the confines of niche programming and establishing a presence on mainstream platforms. Collaboration with traditional media outlets can facilitate this integration, creating a seamless transition that ensures the broadest possible audience is reached.


By leveraging the power of Christian TV networks, Ghana can witness a profound transformation in its societal fabric. These networks have the ability not only to highlight the issues of corruption and indiscipline but also to provide a moral compass for navigating these challenges. They can inspire individuals to become change agents through compelling and Christ-centred content, fostering a culture of accountability and righteousness.


Christian TV networks like Pent TV and Pent Radio are potent catalysts for change in the journey towards a transformed Ghana. Their unique blend of spirituality and media has the potential to reshape the national narrative, offering an alternative discourse that aligns with principles of truth, integrity, and righteousness. As Ghana navigates its path to progress, especially in this crucial 2024 election year, the influential role of Christian TV networks in combating corruption and indiscipline and promoting peace cannot be overstated. Through their commitment to a higher purpose, these networks can contribute to creating a more just, peaceful, disciplined, and morally upright society.

Written by Danny Mantey (News Anchor, Pent TV)


Discerning True Men Of God: Beyond Signs And Wonders

The longstanding discourse on defining a man of God remains a subject of ongoing debate. While some hinge their judgment on the manifestation of signs and wonders, others emphasise the character of the man of God. This article delves into the perils linked to assessing the credibility of a man of God solely based on his charisma, proposing a more balanced approach to discerning the true identity of a man of God.

Drawing parallels to the biblical account of Moses before Pharaoh, where sorcerers duplicated miracles, it becomes crucial to reassess the criteria for identifying a genuine man of God. Focusing solely on miracles, healing, and deliverances is perilous, as these manifestations can be replicated through questionable means.

Jesus’ cautionary words about those who perform miracles but are considered workers of iniquity emphasise the need for a deeper evaluation of a man of God’s authenticity. This prompts a reflection on the traits and characteristics that distinguish a true man of God from a mere performer.

Humility emerges as a significant litmus test for the spirit a man of God operates with, echoing Jesus’ call to be gentle and humble in heart. The Apostle Paul reinforces this in Philippians 2:5, emphasising the importance of humility in the life and behaviour of a servant of God.

Love becomes another critical factor, as highlighted in 1 Corinthians 13:2. The absence of love diminishes the significance of other spiritual gifts, underscoring the need for genuine love in a man of God’s ministry.

The transformative impact of a man of God’s ministry on the lives of congregants is an essential criterion. The ability to turn individuals from a life of wrongdoing to one of righteousness demonstrates the true power of a man of God’s teachings.

Family life also plays a pivotal role in assessing a man of God. A well-organized and harmonious home, coupled with well-behaved children, contributes to the overall credibility of a spiritual leader.

Doctrinal consistency with biblical truth emerges as a more reliable indicator of a man of God’s power than mere miracles. The adherence to sound doctrine reveals the source of spiritual power and underscores the importance of scrutinising the teachings of religious leaders.

In a world influenced by religious orientation, cultural practices, and varying spiritual worldviews, it becomes imperative to reevaluate expectations concerning men of God. The criteria of character, charisma, doctrine, and discipline must be carefully weighed to ensure the alignment of a spiritual leader with biblical principles.

In navigating the complexities of the 21st century, believers are urged to choose spiritual leaders cautiously, prioritising character and doctrine over charismatic displays. This discerning approach ensures that the men of God under whom they sit for spiritual nourishment align with the teachings they uphold.

Written by Pastor Luke Sei Nemen (District Minister, Daluayili, Tamale)


Night Ministry: Outreach To Sex Workers

For the past three days, Dr. Alex Denkyi of the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Dr. Isaac Nyame of the University of Development Studies (UDS), Pastor Dr. Patrick Kudadjie of Pentecost University (PU), Deaconess Mrs. Theodore Oduro of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), and I have been in residential camping, working on a few research projects and reports for the Church.

Yesterday evening around 10 pm, after completing the day’s activities, we decided to evangelise some of our sisters on the street at night by going through A&C mall and the KFC area at East Legon, a popular suburb of Accra in Ghana.

Ministry to prostitutes (sisters) on the streets is a significant and often overlooked aspect of religious and social outreach. The sisters who engage in sex work face myriad challenges and stigmas that can lead to feelings of isolation, despair, and hopelessness.

By extending compassion, understanding, and support, ministries have the potential to positively impact the lives of prostitutes and guide them towards a path of healing and redemption.

We spent about three hours and 30 minutes undertaking this exercise, resulting in four of them accepting Christ as their Lord and peraonal Saviour. What shocked us was that most of these ladies were Christians but found themselves on the street.

From our interaction with them, it came to light that the sisters on the streets face a range of vulnerabilities and risks, including physical and sexual violence, substance abuse, and mental health issues.

Almost all the sisters we came into contact with entered the sex trade due to poverty or a lack of viable opportunities. (One of the ladies was a university graduate who studied English but found herself on the street.)

It is our conviction that outreach to these individuals is not about condoning or encouraging their actions but recognizing their humanity and offering them an alternative way forward.

We need to take this ministry very seriously and invest financial resources into it. We cannot just pick them off the street without any resources to support them.

Using an approach of establishing empathetic and non-judgmental communication, we were able to lead four of them to accept Christ. By actively listening to their stories, we appreciated the level of support that is often lacking in their lives.

The question we kept asking ourselves was what next? Without providing practical assistance and resources, these young sisters will find themselves back on the street.

Resources such as counseling, housing, and learning a trade or seed money to practice the trade already learned will help keep them off the street. This requires more dedication and investment on the part of the ministry for meaningful and sustainable impact to be made. A deeper understanding of the plight of these sisters through an empirical study will help draw deeper insight and a workable approach to getting them out of the street permanently.

To every Christian, let us go to these sisters and clear them off the streets for Christ and also invest our resources in helping them have a better life.

Written by Pastor Daniel Appiah


Children Are Transformative Tools For This World—Unleash Them!

When parents genuinely love their children, it’s crucial to avoid letting selfishness creep in during the nurturing process.

In essence, parents often tend to mold their children based on their own desires or interests rather than considering the unique needs of the children.

However, parenting should deviate from this path. Scripturally, we are advised to guide our children according to their individual paths, not just replicating our own.

This concept can be likened to mentorship, where mentors identify and cultivate the potential in their mentees. Parenting shares similarities; it’s a challenging task that requires understanding and nurturing individual potential.

Parenting is a responsibility for the matured, as immaturity can lead to a lack of effort in understanding the interests of the children. This may result in imposing the parents’ desires on the children, hindering their development.

Many parents unintentionally shape their children into something they are not, driven by societal expectations. This approach limits their ability to recognise and nurture their children’s true potentials.

Dear parent, avoid being a selfish parent; seek knowledge on child mentorship. Invest time in reading parenting books and attending masterclasses to learn and apply valuable insights. Your children rely on your guidance for their development.

Recognise that as a parent, your strategies alone cannot transform the world. Your children are transformative tools; understanding their potential goes beyond merely thinking for them. Empower them to become peer educators, decision-makers, and agents of transformation.

See your children as individuals capable of positive impact on the world. Even without your perception, they are already influencing their surroundings, either positively or negatively.

Guide them to consistently make positive contributions to their world. The world needs the way you parent your children to foster transformation. Therefore, go all out and unleash their potential upon the world.

Written by Elder Tonnie Baffoe (District Youth Ministry Leader, Ekroful District)