Being Diligent In Your Calling; The Assurance For Christian Success


23 Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, And attend to your herds; 24 For riches are not forever, Nor does a crown endure to all generations. 25 When the hay is removed, and the tender grass shows itself, And the herbs of the mountains are gathered in, 26 The lambs will provide your clothing, And the goats the price of a field; 27 You shall have enough goats’ milk for your food, For the food of your household, And the nourishment of your maidservants.


The common profession of the early Israelites, like any other society, was agriculture. So, God, through the writers of the scriptures, used agricultural illustrations as a schema to teach both life and spiritual lessons. One principle from these illustrations that shall be looked at is the principle of sowing and reaping. The pendulum is not just placed on the volume of this principle but the way it is expected to be done. This leads us to examine, in the context of the scripture, diligence.

An encounter with one Fulani herdsman revealed that they have a specific name for every cow they shepherd irrespective of the size of the number of cattle. They can identify each of the hundreds of cows at a glance by their distinctive names. In the same way, Solomon in our context used the relationship between the flock and their shepherd to teach the right way Christian leaders should go about ministry and their callings. The effectiveness and success of every Christian leader is the realization of the consequences of the inputs he invests in the members. It does not matter whether you were able to sow at the sowing time or not; the reaping time is constant. This is why a Christian leader needs to be diligent in sowing as both a farmer and a shepherd in the Kingdom of God.


Diligence could connote different meanings but basically, I will prefer the following definitions for our context: To be diligent is to be consistent in an effort to accomplish something. Attentive and persistent in doing something. Working hard in a careful and thorough way.

The implications of the above definitions suggest that a diligent person must be consistent with his calling, have the attitude of an ‘accomplisher,’ be very attentive to details, be persistent to the latter, a hard worker in season and out of season, and above all, very careful and thorough in given situations. May God bless us with the spirit of diligence.

The Christian leader is a shepherd after the order of Jesus Christ, the ‘Good Shepherd.’ He has modeled how we are supposed to lead his flock. In real life, Shepherds are usually humans who lead the flock but, in this capacity, the Christian leader is as equal as the sheep. For the entire church, including the leaders, is the flock of God. However, leaders are the privileged sheep chosen to lead other sheep.

Jesus, the ‘Good Shepherd’ therefore expects every Christian leader to be first diligent in their personal lifestyle and secondly, as a leader in:Knowing the state of the flocks. Attending to the flock (1 Peter 5:2). Watching over them until they mature (1 Peter 5:2). Feeding the Lambs and the Sheep with right doctrines (John 21:15,17). The shepherd’s greatest asset is the flocks he tends. In Christian leadership, our priority for the flock we lead is to know both their spiritual and physical state to provide them with the best pasture (i.e., the right interpretation of the word of God), intercede and care for them.


The church has a vision at every season that is developed into yearly themes which require the attention and commitment of leaders to be diligent in every capacity God has called us into. Secondly, in pursuance of the vision, both general and distinct commitments are given to every leader at all levels in the church. Without diligence, these commitments are liable to be compromised. The church expects us to be true ambassadors of Christ and loyal to the course God has placed her on.

Thirdly, for our focus to be fixed on our mandate to the flock, two temptations from the scripture should be avoided to not steal our attention.

Riches: this figuratively constitutes what we eat, what we wear, and money for our basic needs and the acquisition of assets. These are essential needs, but Jesus exhorted his disciples not to be concerned about the ‘these’. God Himself makes provision for the ‘these’ which is redeemed through the principle of first thing first (Matt 6:33).

Positions or titles (so-called better or higher positions): The skewed perspective of Christian leadership makes people think it is a position or a prestigious title. This has only sparked a scrabble for the ‘these’ through other means other than God-ordained ones. This definitely steals the attention of the leader from the mandate to the flock. They eventually lord themselves on the flock but not as Jesus’ servant leadership model.

The downfall of many Christians into carnality and apostasy is mostly connected to money, fame, sexual immorality, and to some extent, offenses that usually come from unsatisfied personal expectations. Unfortunately, these may look attractive and satisfying but only at face value. That is why Solomon, who has personally tasted these things, says vs 24 “…Nor does a crown endure to all generations”. Such things are not lasting and will not take you anywhere.

It is my prayer that God will help us so that our hearts and minds will not be captivated by these things.


What King Solomon wants to teach is that leaders should give their whole attention to the work God has called them to do and leave the rest to him. God has promised to take care of our lives and personal needs. Our side of the deal is to stick to the mandate of knowing and attending to the flock of God. Even though our mandate, He still provides enough grace to help our weaknesses to be effective and efficient for His reward. We should not jump to seek that which He has promised to provide and leave our commitment. The biblical principle of first thing should be followed (Matthew 6:33). There are better titles and riches he shall give us when we finish our calling and mandate diligently. If we have really sown diligently in His work, then let us be in expectation that we will reap the following as our harvest:

Good Christian life that can save us and our listeners. Success in our callings. God’s abundant blessings and favour. Both spiritual and physical riches. Gracious divine promotion.


Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord, as we launch into another length and depth of Possessing the Nations (Phase II) in the next five years, let us with diligence unleash every good disposition in us to equip every Christian to take the unleashing batons to impact their world. What has been sown is us through the Apostolic visions, doctrines, and the laying of their hands should give rise to another of the same kind (Gr. ‘allos’) in the people we lead. The implication of this done diligently will help us accomplish much for the Lord who has called us. I pray that the spirit of diligence will come upon us and affect all our endeavors in Jesus’ name.

Written by Pastor Eric Gyacham (Bawku Area Head)

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