english assembly

Banda English Assembly Church Building Dedicated

The new church building of the Banda English Assembly in the Kete Krachi Area of The Church of Pentecost has been dedicated.

The building, which was largely financed through the Community Based Church Building (CBCB) initiative of the CoP Headquarters, was dedicated on Friday, July 17, 2020.by the Area Head, Pastor Joseph Danzerl with support from the area pastorate and their spouses.

Speaking on the topic: “Without spot or wrinkle” based on Ephesians 5:26-27 at the dedication service, the Buya District Minister, Overseer Samuel Ntiamoah urged believers to live a life without spot or wrinkle by presenting their bodies as a living sacrifice to God, citing Romans 12:1. “God’s children being prepared for heaven must keep their life spotless before the watching world,” he affirmed.

The Banda District English Assembly was created by the late Pastor I. K. Adu Gyamfi in March 2012 with nine (9) members. Currently, the assembly has a membership of ninety-one (91).

In the year 2015 when the current District Minister, Pastor Joel Beddim was transferred to the District, he encouraged members of the assembly to acquire more concrete blocks to speed up the building project anytime. By dint of hard work, the local assembly acquired over a thousand cement blocks to support the work.

In December 2019 a CBCB grant of GH¢56,000 was received from the Head Office to continue the project. In January 2020, the sod was cut for the commencement of the project.

Due to the diligent supervision of all stakeholders, the project has been completed and now the Banda English Assembly has its permanent place of worship.

The leaders and members of the Assembly expressed great appreciation to the leadership of The Church of Pentecost for the CBCB initiative and the release of funds to enable them to realise the vision.

Pastor Joseph Danzerl urged the church to adopt a good maintenance culture to prolong the lifespan of the building and the facilities within. He also advised the church leaders to ensure strict adherence to all the COVID-19 Protocols at all church meetings.

Report by Overseer Daniel Matey Tetteh – Kete-Krachi Area Reporter

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