We Are Now Living In A TikTok World!

Attention: We Are Now Living In A TikTok World!

Article by Pastor William Boachie-Ansah

God who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets has in these last days, spoken to us by his Son, whom he has appointed heir of all things through whom also he made the worlds.

Hebrews 1:1-2 (NKJV)

Introduction: Tiktok – A New World

In every generation, God uses people as His mouthpiece in diverse ways and mediums, hence, He is a versatile God. Even the methods of delivering His Word to humanity, are remarkable and modified. Our Christian Leadership searches for avenues to aid their communication in every generation with the focus of reaching out to them perfectly. Therefore, it is justifiable for them to be innovative in their modes of communicating the Master’s commands; using the right channels to believers.

Previously, the most visited sites were Google, Amazon, Facebook, and YouTube. But 2021 changed the narrative, making TikTok, the most used social application.  The Internet has become a “TikTok world.”

TikTok, with origin from China as Douyin, is a video-focused social networking service owned by Chinese company ByteDance Ltd. It hosts a variety of short-form user videos, that includes varieties like dance, Christian content, and entertainment with the duration from 15 seconds to three minutes. 

Notably, TikTok influencers comparatively, currently, make more money than top American and European CEOs.

In 2021, user demographics displayed a one-quarter age usage between 10 and 19 years. This helps explain the viral ability of some of its videos, considered dangerous.

Considerably, two dynamics are propelling the trending nature of its contents: its Shortness and Visuality. These are the main secrets behind its popularity.

What We Should Do About Tiktok

Most internet users are currently subscribed to TikTok. In this era as Christians with a God-given agenda to Possess the Nations through Social Media, it is expedient if our focus could be geared towards that sector to help fulfill the Great Commission. Ministers of the Gospel and church leaders must be abreast with this; targeting it as a soul-winning zone.

Nevertheless, before the gospel is sent to TikTok, deliberate training should be organized to consciously learn about the application. Effective use of the app to reach more users depends on its precise and direct content. This is because the Youth and Teens hardly stay glued to subscribe to videos which take more of their time while other videos queue in to be watched.

Producing good, clear, and catchy visuals is key to gaining the needed attraction and attention. Therefore, every church leader should make it a necessity to collaborate with youth leaders and digital marketing professionals who are experienced in TikTok. This will help them learn more about the app. When the church properly understands its use, the Gospel can be packaged to suit its standards for the teeming youth in this dispensation.

Another issue worth noting is the need for Christians, especially Church leaders to demystify the use of the Application. Recalling from the inception of Facebook, those of us who took to the application as a medium to propel the gospel was seen as unspiritual. Today, they all testify to its immense help in spreading the Gospel and teaching our members to remain grounded in the faith.

TikTok, a great platform for churches, should not be secluded alone for the entertainment industry. The Great Commission must, therefore, be treated as a cross-generational and cross-technological assignment. It is now a new world to possess.

May the good Lord, give us the understanding in equipping ourselves for the Possessing the Nations agenda in this digital age.

Are you on Tiktok? Is your church operating a TikTok account? Let’s think about Tiktok!

To be continued…

God bless you.

Author’s Contact & Address

Tel.: 0244137880

Email address: boachieansah@gmail.com

Tiktok account: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLFpxPNG/

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