Apostle Asante Dedicates Emmanuel Assembly Church Building web

Apostle Asante Dedicates Emmanuel Assembly Church Building

The Kaneshie Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Samuel Osei Asante, dedicated the church building of Emmanuel Assembly in the Darkuman Nyamekye District on Sunday, July 23, 2023.

Apostle Asante was assisted by the Darkuman Nyamekye District Minister, Pastor Joseph Ackah, and some ministers in the Kaneshie Area, including Pastor Paul Danso (Kaneshie Area Secretary), Pastor Adu Gyamfi Donkor, Pastor David Oppong, Prophet J. E. Ameyaw (Rtd.), and Apostle Samuel Ansong (Rtd.).

Also present were Mrs. Elizabeth Osei Asante (Wife of Kaneshie Area Head), ministers’ wives, as well as some officers in the Darkuman Nyamekye District.

Speaking at the event, Apostle Asante, who is also an Executive Council Member of the Church, acknowledged all those who have generously contributed to the project since 1999.

He added, “It is good to have a beautiful edifice, but if the people worshipping in the edifice are not holy, then the beautiful edifice is not necessary.”

Exhorting the congregants, Apostle Asante spoke on the topic: “Repositioning The Local Church In Holiness For Maximum Impact.”

Referencing Leviticus 11:41-45, he explained that God urged the Israelites to consecrate themselves by not eating certain creatures which He deemed unclean, stressing that going contrary to this directive made one unclean.

With supportive scripture from Galatians 5:19-21, he advised believers to eschew the desires of the flesh which God abhors, saying: “This is parallel to the instruction God gave to Moses in Leviticus.”

Apostle Asante defined holiness as “being absolutely pure and separated from all sin and evil. God is holy, and He expects us to be holy.”

Quoting Ephesians 1:4-5, he noted that believers have been reborn into sonship through Jesus Christ, hence believers cannot continue to sin.

“When God’s holiness meets with our holiness, the power of God will be exhibited in our churches,” he concluded.

The Emmanuel Assembly church building project was funded with grants received from the Church’s Headquarters, Kaneshie Area, District, and offerings raised by the Local Assembly.

Report by Michael Asante (Kaneshie Area Reporter)

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