Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Trains Ministers & Ministry Leaders Ahead Of All-Ministries1 web

Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Trains Ministers & Ministry Leaders Ahead Of All-Ministries Rally

The Anyaa-Ablekuma Area of The Church of Pentecost, under the leadership of Apostle William Ohemeng-Kwakye, organised a training workshop for Area pastors and ministry executives (Area and Districts) in anticipation of upcoming ministry rallies scheduled for September 18 to 24, 2023.

The event took place on Sunday, September 10, 2023, at the Ablekuma Central Assembly church auditorium and had in attendance representatives from various ministries, namely, Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Evangelism Ministry, Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM), Women’s Ministry, School Outreach Ministry (SOM), MPWDs, Chaplaincy Ministry, Chieftaincy Ministry, Counseling Ministry, and Home and Urban Missions (HUM).

Speaking at the seminar, Pastor Awuah Fordjour, the Ablekuma – Agape District Minister and a co-opted member of the National Executive Committee of the Evangelism Ministry, emphasized the need for Christians to pursue the Great Commission with zeal.

He further outlined the various strategies needed to accomplish this divine mandate.

“As Christians, we must do all things possible to win the lost for Christ,” he said.

The presentation was followed by intercessory prayers led by the Gonse District Minister, Pastor Joseph Aubin.

The total attendance recorded at the event was 245, including ministers.

Report by Anyaa-Ablekuma Area Media Team

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