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Accountability Is A Key Aspect Of Leadership – Apostle Gyau Obuobi Avers

Apostle Samuel Gyau Obuobi, the General Secretary-Elect and Asamankese Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, has underscored the importance of accountability in effective leadership.

In his presentation on “Leadership and Accountability” today at the Global Elders’ Retreat held at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC) in Gomoa Fetteh, Apostle Obuobi explained stated that accountability is a vital characteristic for leaders to be effective.

He highlighted the need for leaders to take responsibility for their actions, inactions, and decisions.

He defined accountability as the state of being answerable for the outcomes resulting from entrusted responsibilities, emphasising that it is synonymous with answerability.

Apostle Obuobi mentioned integrity and transparency as the two factors that significantly influence leadership accountability.

To promote accountability in leadership, Apostle Obuobi offered practical steps such as involving others in the decision-making process, welcoming auditors during visits, and establishing accountability partners who can provide honest feedback and correction.

Apostle Gyau Obuobi underscored the crucial role of wise and accountable leadership in the progress and well-being of any organisation. Within the local church context, he highlighted the significance of Elders as part of the leadership structure. Their responsibility, he emphasised, is to create an environment that nurtures spiritual growth and Christian maturity among the congregation.

Highlighting the weight of leadership, Apostle Obuobi stressed the inherent connection between wise leadership and accountability. He warned that weak leadership could result in complete failure and jeopardise spiritual lives.

He further emphasised the need for leaders to exhibit wisdom, carefulness, and honour in their roles, recognising that leadership is fundamentally about responsibility.

Apostle Obuobi outlined two entities to whom leaders are accountable. Firstly, leaders are responsible to God, who calls them into leadership.

He urged Church leaders to remain answerable to God, knowing that nothing escapes His watchful eye. Secondly, leaders are accountable to their superiors, supervisors, or appointing authorities, following the hierarchical structure established by God.

Apostle Obuobi identified various areas in which church leaders should be held accountable, including their speech, teachings, actions, the spiritual well-being of their congregation, and the resources entrusted to them.

He emphasised that leaders must be accountable for their words, the doctrines they teach, their conduct, and the responsible management of resources such as facilities, gifts, and finances.

He cautioned that leadership should not be pursued for personal gain, social recognition, or exerting control over others. Instead, leaders should focus on serving those under their guidance.

In concluding his presentation, Apostle Gyau Obuobi iterated that responsible and accountable leadership creates an environment conducive to spiritual growth, Christian formation, and the well-being of the church and its members.


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