The Church Of God Is A “Family Business” – Apostle Nyamekye


The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has said that Christians, particularly church leaders, ought to be concerned about the well-being and growth of the Church of God and ensure that it serves its divine purpose on earth.

According to Apostle Nyamekye, since the Church is an extension of God’s kingdom on earth, believers, who are children of God, ought to be devoted to its growth because it is their Father’s, stressing that: “The Church of God is a family business!”

Apostle Eric Nyamekye made this assertion when he addressed all Elders in the Achimota Area of the Church on Friday, December 7, 2018 at the Achimota Central auditorium as part of his scheduled meetings with Elders of the Church to elaborate on the church’s 5-year vision document dubbed: “Vision 2023” in order to ensure its smooth and effective implementation.

Addressing the gathering, Apostle Nyamekye commended the Elders for their great sacrifices to God and The Church of Pentecost in particular.

He advised them to keep up with the good work bearing in mind that God would duly reward them for all their efforts.

He urged them not to murmur or lose faith in their service due to some challenges they may be facing but trust God to fulfill His promises to them.

“When God curses, He curses to the fourth generation, but when He blesses, He blesses to a thousand generations. This means that our good works affect generations after us. So let us continue to give off our best so that in the future it will be said of us, that because of our good deeds, generations after us were blessed by God,” he said.

Touching on the Vision 2023, Apostle Eric Nyamekye said that in the next five years, The Church of Pentecost would be focusing on fulfilling the dual purpose of the Church, which is to serve God and also to transform the world with Kingdom values and principles.

The Chairman said that God’s purpose for establishing the Church is to reveal Himself to the nations as the One True God and to let the nations know that He blesses those who worship and trust in Him.

He said that the Church would seek to fulfil its purpose as the Salt and Light of the world by equipping her members to demonstrate Christ-like lifestyles and uphold kingdom principles at their workplaces, homes, community and wherever they find themselves.

The General Secretary, Apostle Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi, also took participants through some of the new policy guidelines in the Vision Document including the introduction of “Gospel Sunday Morning”. The Gospel Sunday is the Sunday morning service after the Lord’s Supper day dedicated to preaching of the gospel and soul winning.

The Principal Officers have already held separate meetings with Elders in the Downtown Ofaakor, Kasoa, Odorkor, Dansoman, Kaneshie and Anyaa-Ablekuma Areas to elaborate on “Vision 2023”.

The 5-year vision document of The Church of Pentecost dubbed “Vision 2023” aims at equipping her members to possess their nations by transforming every worldview, thought and behaviour with values, principles and lifestyles of the Kingdom of God; thereby turning many people to Christ. The theme for Vision 2023 is “Possessing the Nations: Equipping the Church to Transform Every Sphere of Society with Values and Principles of the Kingdom of God” and is accompanied by the slogan: “Possessing the Nations: I am an agent of transformation!”


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