Tepa Area Chaplaincy Organises Training For Melcom Supermarket Staff


The Tepa Area Chaplaincy Ministry has organised a training session on moral values at the workplace for the staff of the Tepa branch of Melcom Supermarket.

The timely training, which was conducted on August 31, 2024, at the supermarket’s hall, was spearheaded by Overseer Emmanuel Owusu, the Area Chaplaincy Coordinator.

Overseer Owusu extorted the staff on Romans 12:1-2. He advised the workers on the need to exhibit moral values at the workplace to enhance quality Christian environment in the company by renewing their mind.

According to him, God expects transformation and change of character from every believer regardless of where they find themselves. This, he said, will enable them to become salt and light in the company and help them transform their world.

Some key moral values that were discussed were righteousness, honesty, respect, kindness, compassion and others.

He also encouraged them to work hard and receive customers with respect and delight to demonstrate godly values in their spheres.

The Area Coordinator thanked the Branch Manager, Mr Emmanuel Owusu, and all the workers for the space and time, and finally prayed with them.

Report by Area Media Team

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