
The Head of Ministerial Formation and Training at the Pentecost School of Theology and Mission (PSTM), Pentecost University, Apostle Dr Christian Tsekpoe, has stressed the critical importance of intergenerational missions in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Presenting a paper on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at the Pentecost Convention Centre, Gomoa Fetteh, during the 2024 Missions Orientation for newly called missionaries of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr Tsekpoe drew some lessons from Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8 and explained that Jesus’ vision for the gospel was not to be confined to Jerusalem, but to spread to Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth – encompassing all generations to come.

He lamented that while the church in Africa is experiencing vibrant growth, the church in the West has lost much of its former vibrancy. He warned that this shift is a deviation from God’s original mandate, which is for the gospel to be spread and not for it to move from one point to another.

He indicated that there is a need to consider all persons, both old and young in the missions work. This, he explained, is because they both play roles that are significant from each other.

He emphasised the critical role of the Holy Spirit in maintaining the gains of the church and called for a deliberate, intentional approach to intergenerational missions.

The Resident Minister for A-Lang Worship Centre challenged the church to not cling to outdated practices, but to adapt to the needs of the younger generation. He urged the church to encourage intergenerational services, where children and youth are given meaningful roles and opportunities to participate fully alongside the adults like ushering, protocol, choirs, leading worship, and even preaching.

For that to be possible, he suggested that intentionality and consistency is required. He cautioned against separating the young from the adults, as this can make them feel unimportant.

Apsotle Dr Tsekpoe also emphasised the need to listen to the language and perspectives of the current generation rather than simply passing down the practices of the past to them. He called for a deliberate, mission-focused approach that provides opportunities for all generations to interact and collaborate.

The Pentecost University Lecturer made a clarion call for the church to embrace the vision of intergenerational missions, ensuring that the gospel continues to spread to the ends of the earth and to all generations to come.


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