Plugged Into God


In today’s world, we are surrounded by devices and applications that can make us feel connected to something or someone. A social media platform, for instance, can connect you to your loved one who may be miles away. Our ultimate connection as Christians is to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Have you ever paused to reflect on what it means to be connected to Him?

Let us explore a simple analogy of a phone charger and a phone connected to an electrical socket. This can better help us understand what it means to be “plugged into” God. Just as a phone charger connects a device to a power source, our connection with God is what gives us the power to live out our faith in this world. When plugged into Him, we receive the nourishment we need to grow and thrive as believers. 

What happens when our phone is disconnected from its charger? Its battery is quickly drained and goes off. When we are not plugged into God, we become drained. We struggle to make sense of our circumstances. We can even be damaged by the world around us. 

The phone charger-power socket analogy

Our phones have become part of our lives as it facilitates communication and connection to our world. They have become a medium through which we can learn, work, and entertain ourselves. As useful as they are, they constantly need to be charged to perform all their functions.

Every phone comes with its specific charger. Failing to abide by its instructions can affect the charging system, hence, leading to slow charging or no charging at all. The Christian is empowered to do a lot through the help of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Like a phone, the sustenance of this power is through constant charging. The Pentecostal fire in us must be fanned aflame as described in Leviticus 6:8-13, 2 Timothy 1:6-7, and John 14:12.

A phone can be charged effectively with a good charger and a working socket. Ultimately, the socket must be put ON when the phone charger is inserted into it. Have you ever attempted charging your phone by plugging it in but forgetting to turn on the socket? Have you tried charging your phone by putting on the socket when the charger has not been inserted properly? In all these scenarios, the phone does not get charged.

To get a phone charged, it must be plugged in correctly. Applying the above analogy to our Christian life means it takes an intentional effort to remain connected to God. It should not be a passive attempt.

Have you ever experienced power outage just after noticing your phone’s battery was about to die? What if you had no power bank or any alternative power source? Remember the story of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13. The bridegroom arrived when some of the virgins had unfortunately run out of oil.

When we joke around with our relationship with God and death happens unexpectedly, what happens to our soul? How about rapture? According to 1 Corinthians 15:51-57, when the roll is called up yonder, what would be our story? We need enough oil to last our race on earth.

Some Christians have been disconnected from their God, but because they still exude some power, they do not know that they are dying spiritually. Staying plugged into God is a personal decision; an intentional one for that matter. It may even not be evident for all to see.

Using the wrong charger for a phone

You may end up damaging your phone when you continuously charge it with the wrong charger.

Some inappropriate chargers some Christians use

  • Solely relying on commentaries from men of God instead of feeding on God’s word.
  • Following self-acclaimed men of God who interpret the Bible wrongly or teach false doctrines.
  • Chasing after miracles and deliverance when we already have the biggest miracle of salvation.

How to stay plugged into God 

  • Prayer

Just as a phone charger needs to be plugged into its power source, the believers need to pray to be connected to God. Prayer is our surest way to communicate with God and pour out our hearts and minds to Him. Make prayer a priority in your daily life and watch how your connection with God grows stronger. 

  • Studying the Scriptures

The Bible is like the manual for our spiritual phone. In the Bible we find guidance, encouragement, and direction. When we read and study the scriptures regularly, we are reminded of God’s promises and His character. This helps us stay connected to Him. 

  • Fellowship

Just as a phone charger needs to be plugged into the right outlet, fellowship with other believers is essential for our spiritual growth. When we connect with other Christians, we are encouraged, supported, and challenged to deepen our faith. 

  • Worship

Worship is like the battery that keeps our spiritual phone charged. When we worship God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, we are expressing our love and gratitude to Him. This helps us stay connected to Him. It reminds us of His presence in our lives. 


Being plugged into God is not just about connection, it is about being nourished and empowered by that connection. We need to regularly connect to God through prayer, the scriptures, fellowship, and worship.  

Take some time today and reflect on your connection with God. Are you feeling drained or disconnected? Which steps can you take to plug back in and stay connected? When we are plugged into God, we become unstoppable. We are empowered by His love and guidance to live out our faith in this world. 


Dear Heavenly Father, help us stay plugged into You through prayer, the scriptures, fellowship, and worship. May our connection with You be strong and nourishing. May it empower us to be Your ambassadors in this world. Amen. 

By Deaconess Sophia Kafui Teye (Danquah Worship Centre)

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