The True Spirit Of Giving


In today’s world, the act of giving often comes under scrutiny. People give for various reasons, but true giving is rooted in genuine faith and selflessness. True giving is not about the abundance of resources or merely having the means to give. It transcends expectations of returns and recognition. As believers, our giving should be motivated by a deeper purpose.

Giving should come from a place of genuine desire and faith. Give because you genuinely want to. The desire to help and support others should drive our giving. In the Bible, King David is an example of someone who gave out of his deep desire and love for God. David’s preparations for the construction of the temple are a notable instance of his heartfelt giving. Despite being told that his son Solomon would construct the temple, David generously gave from his personal wealth to ensure it would be built with the finest materials. This act is recorded in 1 Chronicles 29:3-5.

Give because it is your duty as a child of God. God expects us to give as His children. 1 John 3:16-18 reveals the importance of believers demonstrating love through actions, including giving to those in need. It implies that as children of God who have received His love and grace, believers have a duty to reflect that love by caring for others, including sharing material possessions with those in need.

Give because you understand the true meaning of giving and give cheerfully. Understanding that giving is an act of love and compassion deepens its value. A willing and joyful heart is what makes giving special. When we give with a positive spirit, we align ourselves with divine pleasure. 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV) states, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” This encourages giving to be done intentionally with careful consideration and understanding of one’s own heart and resources.

Give because you believe in the power of giving. Luke 6:38 (NIV) says, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” When you believe in the power of giving and you give, it leads to abundance.

Do not give just because you have the means. Giving should not be an act of showing off wealth or capability. When you give because you have, those who do not have will just be sitting and watching because they cannot give.

Do not give with the expectation of receiving something in return. True giving is selfless and does not seek rewards.

Do not give and then broadcast your generosity. The essence of giving lies in humility. It should not be used to garner praise or recognition.

In conclusion, giving is a powerful and transformative act. It goes beyond mere charity; it is a reflection of our faith and an embodiment of God’s love. By understanding the true spirit of giving, we can enrich our lives and those of others. Remember, give because you want to, give because you are called to, and give with a cheerful heart. The blessings that follow are beyond measure.

Written by Winner Enyam Yevu (PIWC-Assin Foso)

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