Transform Ghana Through Holistic Discipleship – Apostle Jude Hama


Apostle Jude Hama, the Former National Director of Scripture Union (SU) Ghana, has underscored the imperative for the Church to focus on equipping and unleashing the youth as the largest mission field in Ghana in order to transform the nation.

With 70% of the population being young people, Apostle Hama urged the allocation of resources for their training, emphasising the pivotal role they play in transforming the nation for Christ.

Apostle Hama articulated a compelling vision for Ghana’s future, asserting that Christ and Christ-like individuals are the nation’s true hope.

He emphasised the need for holistic disciples who embody godliness and integrity, serving as salt and light in their communities.

The crux of Apostle Hama’s message centered on the intentional efforts required to disciple those won for Christ, particularly on university campuses.

He asserted that disciple-making is the primary task assigned to the Church by Jesus Christ, quoting C. S. Lewis: “The Church exists for nothing else but to draw men and women to Christ to make them ‘little Christs’.”

Highlighting the interconnectedness of evangelism and discipleship, Apostle Hama echoed Dr. Mark Dever’s sentiment that “Evangelism without discipleship is incomplete evangelism.”

He stressed the urgent need for effective discipleship within the Ghanaian Church, identifying a lack of intentional disciple-making focus as a significant challenge.

Addressing the issue, the former National Director of the Scripture Union of Ghana provided practical steps on how to follow up with new believers.

These steps include fostering a sense of immediate belonging to God’s family, imparting foundational Christian knowledge, ensuring basic assurances of salvation, facilitating Holy Spirit baptism, and instilling essential spiritual disciplines for Christian maturity.

Quoting Ephesians 4:15, Apostle Hama urged believers to hold fast to the truth and solid teachings of scripture, emphasizing the goal of continuous growth in Christ.

He emphasised that the formation of Christ-like disciples on campuses and in churches is crucial for Ghana’s future, asserting that without effective discipleship, numerical growth would be in vain.

Concluding his presentation, Apostle Hama defined a true Christlike disciple as one who has experienced life in Christ, is born again, committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, baptised with the Holy Spirit, practices basic Christian living and service, and possesses the capacity to train others to become disciples.

“As believers engage in effective discipleship, Ghana holds the promise of a brighter future grounded in resilient, matured Christ-like disciples”, he remarked.


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