“Go And Make Disciples Of All Nations!” – New Tafo Area Relaunches One Member; One Discipled Soul Project


The New Tafo Area of The Church of Pentecost has relaunched the Area’s “One Member; One Discipled Soul” project with a call on Christians, particularly members of the Church, to vociferously preach the Gospel to rescue others from the clutches of sin, and disciple them for Christ.

Launching the event on Friday, November 3, 2023, during the Area’s monthly prayer meeting dubbed: “Divine Encounter” at the Sepe-Buokrom Revival Centre, the Area Head, Prophet Samuel Tetteh Doku, read from Matthew 28:18-20, and charged all members to be deeply involved in the soul winning assignment.

He emphasised that soul winning is the prime duty of every believer, urging the congregants to intensify their evangelistic efforts to win more souls into the Kingdom of God as the month of November has been set for rigorous soul winning at all levels of The Church of Pentecost.

The New Tafo Area Head stressed that it is not just enough for Christians to preach the Gospel to the unsaved, but rather win, nurture and integrate them into the body of Christ.

“If nothing else, you must endeavour to win just one soul and disciple him for Christ,” he tasked.

After the launch, the congregants who could not hide their joy happily sang and danced to the glory of God for they were poised to reach out to the unsaved with the Gospel message of Christ.

Present at the event were Mrs. Victoria Tetteh Doku (Wife of the Area Head), the Area Pastorate and their spouses, among others.

Report Emmanuel Nana Nsiah

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