Cape Coast Area Dedicates 4 Church Buildings


The Cape Coast Area Head and Executive Council Member of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Samuel Yaw Antwi, has dedicated four newly-constructed church buildings in the Cape Coast Area.

The buildings, two of which were funded through the Community Based Church Building (CBCB) initiative of the Church, are Suhyen Assembly (Ekutuase District), Peniel Assembly (Domama District), Emmanuel Assembly (Ahrem Agona), and Kyiase Assembly (Kissi District). They were dedicated at separate events held from March 17 to April 20, 2023.

Apostle Antwi, who also serves as the Coordinator for the Central Regional Coordinating Committee, delivered a sermon titled “The Church as a Family of God,” with reference to 1 Timothy 3:14-16 during one of the dedication services.

In his sermon, he encouraged members to see themselves as belonging to the family of God, which was made possible due to their adoption and redemption by Jesus Christ.

He, therefore, urged all and sundry to accept Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour since becoming part of God’s family only comes by being born again.

The Area Head further stressed that, as members of  God’s family, there are rules and responsibilities that Christians ought to fulfil.

Some of these he mentioned are: loving each other, praying for one another, bearing and supporting each other, eschewing selfishness, and payment of tithes and sacrificial giving.

“Those who are born into God’s family must be shaped to conform to the family norms, and trained to be responsible members of society, and these are what are taught as Core Values and Rules of Conduct of The Church of Pentecost,” he said.

Apostle Samuel Yaw Antwi praised the various leaders and members of the districts for the judicious use of the Church’s funds and for their communal effort in completing the projects.

Present at the dedication services were a section of the area pastorate and their wives, some members of the Area Executive Committee, and the Area Women’s Ministry Leader, among others.

Report by Cape Coast Area Media Committee.

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