A total of 271, 342 souls were won and added to the membership of The Church of Pentecost in 2019 across 105 nations in which the church operates. This resulted in a 7.8 per cent increment over the 2018 figure of 152, 476, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Chairman of the Church, has announced.
Of the figure, 77.2 per cent, representing 209, 607 were baptised in water signifying a remarkably improvement of the 73.6 per cent recorded in the previous year. These figures, he said, therefore, bring the total number of assemblies and districts of the church worldwide to 22,842 and 2,524, respectively.
The Chairman made this known in his State of the Church Address delivered at the 44th virtual General Council Meetings being held from June 2-5, 2020, under the theme: “A Glorious Church to Possess the Nations” (Ephesians 3:21; 5:27). This year’s meetings are being held virtually because of the COVID-19 pandemic and its subsequent impact on movement and social gatherings.
According to him, the Church in Ghana as of December 2019 had a population of 2,973,830 membership, with 1,455 districts, 16,946 assemblies and 69 administrative areas. Full-time ministers also numbered 1,651. These figures, he said, reflected an increase of 76 new districts, 676 new assemblies and two new areas (Haatso and Kade) in 2019 over the 2018 figures.
Apostle Nyamekye in recognising and appreciating excelling performance, commended the two autonomous nations of the church, Benin and La Cote d’Ivoire, for their impressive soul-winning effort.
He announced that the two autonomous countries won a total of 14,075 souls (6.6 per cent increment) over the 13,205 souls won in 2018, with 13,105, representing 93.1% receiving water baptism. “This is a very good achievement worthy of commendation. Benin and La Cote d’Ivoire, bravo!” Apostle Nyamekye commended.