Ho man2

Young Man Diagnosed Of Tuberculosis Healed

In September 2018, Kofson Wisdom, a 16-year-old Junior High School (JHS) pupil of Ho Technical Basic School and member of The Church of Pentecost, was struck by a strange disease.

He started losing weight and became very weak. He visited a hospital in Ho, but the doctors could not find the cause of his deteriorating health condition.

Wisdom had to stay away from school for months because he was weak since he could not eat nor drink. All hopes were lost because there was no money to seek further medical treatment.

On December 23, 2018, during the Christmas convention of the Church at the SSNIT Flats District in Ho, the District Minister, Pastor Daniel Guessou, prayed for him, and the young man had his instant healing.

He went back to the hospital after the convention for another diagnosis, but doctors were surprised to find no traces of the tuberculosis bacteria in his lungs.

Wisdom, who could not hide his joy, thanked the Lord Jesus Christ for healing him. “I’m here to tell the whole world of the great things the Lord can do no matter how your situation may be. When doctors and others think it is finished, God the restorer then takes over,” he said.

Report by Solomon Ahiable, Ho.

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