You Must Be Born Again To Enter God’s Kingdom – Apostle Dr Jimmy Markin


Apostle Dr Amos Jimmy Markin, the Director of the Evangelism Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, has disclosed that no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless they are born again. 

He explained that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to the world to give humanity a new life that can transform and make them eligible for God’s kingdom.

He revealed this on October 24, 2023, during the opening of the “Asankrangwa For Christ” Crusade, which is happening at the Boadum Park, Asankrangwa in the Western Region.

Apostle Dr Jimmy Markin said that Jesus Christ spoke with authority and finality when he told Nicodemus, a teacher of the law, that unless one is born again, he cannot see or enter the kingdom of God. According to him, this statement was not a suggestion or an opinion but a decisive decision that cannot be changed through time and eternity.

He disclosed that there are two worlds – the physical and spiritual worlds. He explained that people are born of flesh and blood in the physical world, but in the spiritual world, one needs to be born of water and the Spirit.

He stressed: “The physical world has an expiry date, but the spiritual world is eternal. After death, there is judgment, and everyone will face either heaven or hell.”

The Evangelism Director noted that heaven is the kingdom of God, where God dwells with his angels and his people, saying, “Heaven is a place of eternal life, hope, joy, and peace.” 

He, however, said that hell is the kingdom of darkness and fire, where Satan and his demons torment those who reject God, and that it is a place of eternal death, despair, pain, and suffering.

He revealed that because all men are sinners and fall short of God’s glory, they cannot inherit the kingdom of God by their own efforts or merits but need another life that can give birth to them again, and that life is Jesus Christ.

Apostle Dr Jimmy Markin said that Jesus Christ is the author of life who sacrificed himself for the sins of humanity on the cross. He added that Jesus Christ rose from the dead with power and glory and has overcome death and sin. 

He mentioned that Jesus Christ came for the rejected, the lost, the broken-hearted, and the hopeless. 

He furthermore stated that Jesus Christ invites us to be born again by repenting of our sins and receiving him as our Lord and Saviour.

Apostle Dr Amos Jimmy Markin concluded by urging everyone to respond to the call of Jesus Christ and be born again. 

“That is the only way to enter God’s kingdom and enjoy his blessings forever,” he ended.

The “Asankrangrwa For Christ” Crusade began on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, and is expected to end on Friday, October 27, 2023, with a free medical outreach on Saturday.


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