This Thing Called Grace: Divine Selection For Divine Assignment 


The uncommon grace of God and its immense power to transform man from desolation to favour, as found throughout scripture, highlights how grace is found, not earned. It reveals that grace has existed since the beginning of creation. Election is God’s divine choice to grant eternal life to unworthy sinners, grounded in His grace. A man’s divine assignment is a God-given task that comes with an inherent burden and divinely bestowed ability to solve problems that yield eternal value.

Ultimately, there are divine protocols and procedures for accessing the Throne of Grace, and they are weighty and tough. God, in His great wisdom, has carved a path for us to escape the wrath embedded in that protocol, which is to find and seek His grace.

When you read Romans 1:1-5, John 1:14-16, Ephesians 2:8, and Romans 2:4, it deeply highlights Jesus Christ as God’s concrete and everlasting plan for man to access His grace without the strictures of the unbending modalities that man had to accomplish to obtain God’s Throne of Grace.

Perusing deeply from the aforementioned scriptures, it is through Jesus Christ that we have obtained and gained God’s grace. Christ is the fullness and the measure of God’s grace and eternal truth, and He is God’s surest plan for us to bypass the tedious path of the protocol to enter into God’s presence to find grace.

Having delved deep into the fact that Christ was sent as the first fruit from the dead, the firstborn among many brethren, and the express image of the divine God full of God’s immeasurable grace and heavenly truth, you will get a clearer picture and understand from Romans 5:20. Out of God’s kindness and sympathy that leads all men into repentance, God’s kindness is the byproduct of grace.

It is noteworthy that God, through His eternal Son Jesus Christ, did humankind a great good by extending His hand of grace so that as many as received Him could become a channel and divine conduit for the provision of God’s grace.


The concept that God plans what He wants to do, and that what He does is accurate and perfect because He does it Himself, is foundational to our comprehension of everything in God’s word, including the doctrine of election.

In the broad sense, election denotes the fact that God plans (or chooses) to do everything that He does in whatever way He sees appropriate. When God acts, He does so only because He intentionally and self-sufficiently chooses to act. According to His powerful nature, predetermined plan, and good pleasure, He decides to do whatever He wishes, without compulsion or restraint from any external influence.

Repeatedly, the Bible makes this point clear. During creation, God made exactly what He wanted to create in the way He sought to create it. And ever since the creation of all things, He has autonomously prescribed everything in human history, in order that He might accomplish the rescuing plan that He previously had intended.

Studying from the Old Testament, He selected a nation for Himself. Out of many nations in the world, He nominated Israel. He chose the Israelites not because they were better or more desirable than any other individuals, but simply because He purposed to elect them. God chooses whomever He chooses for motives that are exclusively His.

The land of Israel was not the only recipient in Scripture of God’s selecting choice. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is termed “My Chosen One.” The holy angels are called “elect angels,” and New Testament believers are called “God’s chosen ones.”

When Jesus told His disciples, “You did not choose me, but I chose you,” He was underscoring this truth. In that, the concept of “foreknowledge” certainly includes the idea of a deliberate choice. It is reasonable, then, to conclude that the same is true when Peter applies prognosis to believers in other places (1 Peter 1:2).

The ninth chapter of Romans also reiterates the elective purposes of God. There, God’s electing prerogative is clearly displayed in reference to His saving love for Jacob (and Jacob’s descendants) as opposed to Esau (and Esau’s lineage). God chose Jacob over Esau, not on the basis of anything Jacob or Esau had done, but according to His own free and uninfluenced sovereign purpose. To those who might protest, “That is unfair!” Paul simply asks, “Who are you, O man, to answer back to God?” (v. 20).

The Word of God presents God as the supervisor and disposer of all beings, the Highest and the One against whom none can stand. He is the Almighty who works all things after the counsel of His will and the heavenly Potter who shapes and forms men according to His own good pleasure. Eventually, He is the decider and determiner of every man’s destiny and purpose on earth, and the controller of every detail in each person’s life, which is a beautiful way of saying that, “He is God.”


Understanding that no two individuals share the same divine assignment and task is vital. You are endowed and gifted with a unique calling, a specific purpose that only you can accomplish. This realisation should not foster competition but rather inspire collaboration and support as we work together to fulfill our respective assignments, contributing to the greater good of God’s wonderful Kingdom.

  1. Pursue Divine Guidance and Direction

Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which pathway to take. Trusting in the Lord wholeheartedly means surrendering your desires and ambitions to Him. Acknowledge that His understanding surpasses yours, and seek His guidance in every aspect of your life. When you do, He promises to direct your steps and lead you along the path that aligns with your divine assignment.

  1. Pay Attention to Your Heart

When you take pleasure in the Lord, your desires become aligned with His will. Your heart’s desires, when rooted in a profound connection with God, can provide appreciated hints about your divine assignment. As you cultivate your relationship with Him, your desires will naturally gravitate toward the purpose He has for you.

  1. Discern Spiritual Gifts

God has put in place unique spiritual gifts for the discovery and fulfillment of your purpose. These gifts are not only meant to build up the body of Christ but also to guide you toward your divine assignment. “A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.” Take time to discern your spiritual gifts through prayer and deep personal reflection. Understanding your gifts can disclose where you can make the utmost impact in the body of Christ.

  1. Pray and Meditate on God’s Word

Regularly submerge yourself in God’s Word through prayer and meditation. Scripture serves as a source of wisdom, guidance, and inspiration. It brightens your path, helping you discern God’s will and understand the specific steps you need to take to fulfill your divine assignment.

  1. Seek Wise Counsel

Seek the counsel of wise and mature believers who can provide guidance and understanding on your journey to discovering your purpose. They can offer perspectives and experiences that may shed light on your unique assignment and help you navigate challenges along the pathway.

  1. Walk and Act with Faith

Faith is indispensable, but it must be accompanied by deeds. As you discern your divine assignment, step out in faith to pursue it. Trust that God will guide and empower you to carry out the work He has prepared for you. Ensure your faith is articulated through meaningful actions that align with your purpose.


Living a purpose-driven life isn’t about comparing yourself to others. It is about knowing your unique role in God’s outstanding design, just as the television and washing machine serve different purposes in the world of electronics. By embracing your divine assignment, you will not only find contentment and gratification but also bring glory to the One who affectionately fashioned you.

As you embark on this journey of purposeful living, remember that you are a unique creation, fashioned by the Divine Maker for a precise assignment. It’s time to align your life with your divine assignment and fulfill your purpose, bringing glory to God and leaving a lasting legacy of inspiration and purpose for generations to come.

By Overseer Emmanuel Owusu (Mpasaso District Minister, Tepa Area)

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