The Gospel Is The Good News For The World – Apostle Amegatcher


A retired minister of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Nene Ahorlu Ofoe Amegatcher (retired), has asserted that the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the hope of the world.

According to him, the gospel carries good news that gives one great joy and satisfies their heart desires. “This good news soothes your sorrows, heals your wounds, and drives away your fears. So whether you are living in darkness, fear, doubt, or in anxiety, there is good news for you today,” he stated.

Apostle Amegatcher, a former Director of the Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM), was speaking in a televised service on PENT TV on Sunday, May 17, 2020.

Dwelling on the episode of the shepherds who were watching over their flock by night when an angel of the Lord came to announce the good news of the birth of the Messiah to them in Luke 2:8-15, he said that the shepherds were in a state of fear and anxiety as they watched over their flock at that time of the night.

“When darkness falls upon you, it brings fear, anxiety, and doubt. At night during those periods, there were wild beasts or even raiders who were likely to attack them, so they were wondering whether daybreak would come.

“When most people are in darkness they become confused and disturbed about what to do and wish somebody would come and whisper some good news to them. But these shepherds while watching over their flock by night had a divine visitation when the angels visited them,” he noted.

He indicated that good news is not about self-seeking, self-indulgence, self-satisfying, and self-gratifying as visualised by the ancient Romans which Apostle Paul tried to explain in Romans 2:7-11. Paul explained that those who understand the good news seek the glory of God, honour, immortality and eternal life.

Apostle Amegatcher posited that the Jews also looked at good news as signs and wonders, while the Greeks saw it as wisdom and things that can make sense and be calculated (Matthew 12:38-40, 1 Corinthians 1:20-25).

“These days people look at good news when there are signs and wonders so they run up and down to the whole world looking for signs and wonders, thinking that that is good news. These are temporary things. It is not only signs and wonders that show good news, but God has something more powerful for us.

Revealing what the good news is, the former PEMEM Director said that the good news is that Jesus died to save the world from sin (Romans 5:6-8). “You are no more a sinner if you give your life to Christ, his death takes you away from sin and brings you into righteousness,” he noted.

He added that the good news is that Jesus heals all diseases. “Jesus is the healer who heals all our diseases. In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus has come to save and heal us. Many people are carrying burdens and troubles, but I want to tell you that Jesus has come to heal all our diseases,” he stressed.

He also said that the good news is that Jesus baptises in the Holy Spirit. “There are a lot of people who are living and walking in darkness. They are covered by the power of darkness, but when the Holy Spirit comes into you, he gives you power (Dunamis) to live life which others may not live. When Jesus baptises you in the Holy Spirit he gives you the power to overcome all the activities of the enemy (John 1:32-34),” he stated.

He further said that the good news is about Jesus being the soon coming king. He, therefore, advised Christians to take solace in the second coming of Christ and persevere to the end.

Touching on what to do with the good news, Apostle Amegatcher urged all and sundry to among others belief the gospel (Mark 1:14-15), preach the gospel (Mark 16:15-16), defend the gospel in every way that will make people know that that is the good news (Philippians 1:7) and suffer for the gospel.

He stated: “You need to suffer for the gospel. If you come from a home where nobody believes the gospel and you come to know Jesus Christ, definitely you will suffer for the gospel. If you are working in a place and the people are very corrupt and you come as a light in that office, definitely you will suffer. But you must suffer for the gospel, don’t run away from it.

“If you hold on to the good news, it will be you blessing and breakthrough,” he concluded.


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