A Lecturer at the Pentecost School of Theology and Missions (PSTM), Apostle Johnny Lartey Peprah, has advised Christian couples to perceive marriage as a profound avenue for glorifying God.
Speaking at a wedding ceremony on Saturday, December 16, 2023, at the Pentecost International Worship Center (PIWC) Atomic, on the topic, “Marriage: The Whence, What and Why?” Apostle Johny Peprah delved into the fundamental facets of marriage, drawing insights from biblical passages, including Genesis 1:26-31, Genesis 2:20-25, and Proverbs 18:22.
He structured his sermon around three pivotal questions aimed at unraveling the essence of marriage. First, he explored the ‘whence’ of marriage, delving into the origin and manufacturer of this sacred institution, underscoring its divine roots as established by God.
Transitioning to the ‘what is marriage? Apostle Peprah defined marriage, according to God’s plan, as a lifelong blood covenant union between one biological male and one biological female. He stressed the absence of room for divorce in the original plan of God and underscored the significance of upholding purity and fidelity before, during and after the covenant of marriage.
The final question, ‘why marry?’ received meticulous attention from Apostle Peprah. He dispelled common misconceptions, asserting that marriage is not to be driven by libidinal desires, self-aggrandizement, security, psychological, financial, or political advantages. Instead, he affirmed that the primary purpose of marriage is to obtain favour from God.
According to him, marriage is from God, about God, and for God, asserting that aligning with God’s manual and will, leads to divine approval and favour.
He urged Christians to perceive their spouse as God’s gift and treasure, cautioning against choosing an ungodly partner and spotlighting the enduring blessings derived from marrying to glorify God.
He advised prospective couples to intensify prayer and exercise vigilance when selecting a life partner to avoid the pitfalls prevalent in contemporary mate selection. He stressed the importance of maintaining purity and abstaining from pre-marital sexual activities, emphasizing that such practices attract the favour of God inherent in the sanctity of marriage.
Apostle Johny Peprah assured the audience that marrying to glorify God opens the door to both existential trans-generational terrestrial blessings as well as eschatological eternal celestial blessings.