Otsenkorang Central Assembly Church Building Dedicated


The church building of the Otsenkorang Central Assembly in the Agona Swedru Area of The Church of Pentecost was dedicated on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

The building was dedicated by the Area Head, Apostle Derek Kwaning Mireku, with support from the Area pastorate.

The building was funded through grants from the Church’s Headquarters, the Swedru Area, as well as donations from other districts and benevolent individuals.

Preaching on the topic “The Church That Attracts” at the dedication service, Apostle Derek Kwaning Mireku defined ‘Church’ as people set apart for God to be equipped and unleashed by Him.

He continued by saying that the church comprises everyone who has believed in Christ Jesus and has been forgiven of their sins by God.

Using Acts 2:42-47 as a scripture reference, he outlined what makes the church attractive: character, the word of God, holiness, and fellowship with the Lord.

He concluded by urging Christians to demonstrate godly character wherever they find themselves so that the life of Christ will be seen in them.

“Being patient is painful, but the end is glorious,” he said.

The service was graced by traditional leaders of Otsenkorang and other community members.

Also present were officers and members of the church.

Report by Otsenkorang District Media Team.

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