National Youth Week Celebration; Not A Cliche But A Season Of Empowerment And Unleashing


As leaders or organizers, it’s common to realize that the expected impact of a program or event hasn’t been fully met during the assessment phase. Throughout my experience as a youth worker, I’ve observed that the desired outcomes often fall short. This write-up aims to address key indicators that can help us review our participation in programs and maximize the impact after attending them.

As we hold the National Youth Week Celebration, our focus should extend beyond sharing flyers or buying paraphernalia. While these activities are important and contribute to the celebration, let us also prepare our hearts and minds to draw grace from our Lord to live for Him during this time. The Reach Out and Take Over agenda can truly be fulfilled when we, the youth, dedicate our lives fully to the Lord.

This is a Season of Empowerment and Unleashing. This is not just an ordinary celebration. Youth, let us embrace this time as a season of Holy Spirit empowerment. Let us view it as an opportunity to learn skills that will enable us to stand out for Christ. As we participate in this meeting, let us open our hearts and minds to receive more of God and His transformative power. By doing so, we will become agents of change in our lives and the world around us just like the Foxes of Samson, as captured in Judges 15:4 NIV, “So he went out and caught three hundred foxes and tied them tail to tail in pairs. He then fastened a torch to every pair of tails, lit the torches, and let the foxes loose in the standing grain of the Philistines. He burned up the shocks and standing grain, together with the vineyards and olive groves.”.

As we, together with our fathers, and leaders trust in God, we can be assured that this season will come with fire. We must not sit idle or continue making excuses. Just as Samson’s foxes were unleashed with fire, so have we been. We should not move with fear or shyness, nor should we let any barriers hold us back. Let us break through every obstacle, move boldly through every sphere of life, and make Christ known.

In this season and beyond, be intentional. Target a soul—whether it be a gentleman, a lady, or a group in your workplace, campus, home, or society. Pray for them, share the gospel with them, and invite them to church. Do not let this season pass by without winning a soul for Jesus and impacting your community and beyond with this fire, the values, and principles of the kingdom of God.

Written By: Enoch Agyei Gyamena (ELD)

Assistant District Youth Leader

Buokrom-Estate District, New Tafo Area

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