Elder Anim-Yirenkyi Applauded For 31-Year Service At Pension Office web

Elder Anim-Yirenkyi Applauded For 31-Year Service At Pension Office

Elder Ebenezer Anim-Yirenkyi, Principal Finance Officer at the Pension Office of The Church of Pentecost, received a standing ovation from participants of this year’s Retirement Seminar in recognition of his dedicated service to the Church for over three decades. Elder Anim-Yirenkyi retires from his role this year, having served God and the Church in this capacity for 31 years.

Apostle David Amankwaa, a member of the Pension Board of the Church, eulogised the retiring officer on Day 2 of the Retirement Seminar currently underway at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Millennium City, near Kasoa in the Central Region.

He commended Elder Anim-Yirenkyi for playing a pioneering role in the establishment of the office and led the retired ministers, wives, and widows present to applaud him for his service.

Speaking with PENTECOST NEWS on the sidelines of the event, Elder Anim Yirenkyi said, “I feel very honoured by the gesture. But more importantly, looking back on how far the Pension Office has come, I feel very fulfilled. When I look at the fund we were managing at the time and how far we have come, I give glory to God. But all I can say is, I feel very fulfilled.”

The Pension Office was set up 31 years ago by the Church to see to the welfare of retired ministers, ministers’ wives, widows, and children of ministers who pass on in active ministry.

The office is overseen by the Pension Board, which is constitutionally mandated, among others, to manage the Pentecost Ministers’ Welfare Fund and also organise programmes for retired ministers and wives with approval from the Executive Council.

The Board is chaired by Apostle John Appiah Aidoo (Abuakwa Area Head), and has Apostle Lawrence Otu-Nyarko, Apostle David Amankwaa, Pastor Issa-Gustav Abubakar (Secretary), Elder Emmanuel Anane Boate, Elder Lawyer Kweku Agyei Gyamfi, Elder Nathan Kwaffo, Elder Benjamin Enoch Donkor, and Elder Lawrence Adu Kusi, as members.

The Pension Office, which began with less than 10 retired ministers of the Church, now takes care of over 500 retired ministers, wives, and widows. Presently, the office is sponsoring 49 children of ministers who passed on in active service through their education.

Over 500 ministers and widows are currently participating in this year’s retirement seminar. Speakers of the event include Apostle Eric Nyamekye (Chairman of The Church of Pentecost), Apostle Rigwell Ato Addison (Rtd.), Apostle Dr. Alfred Koduah (Rtd.), Apostle Prof. Peter Ohene Kyei (Rtd.), Apostle Dr. Philip Osei-Korsah, Elder Dr. Ken Aboah, Elder Lawyer Adu Gyamfi, and Elder Kofi Owusu.

Some of the special side attractions introduced in this year’s conference include indoor games, cardiovascular exercises, and old Pentecostal tunes.


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