“An Illustrious Son Of The Church of Pentecost” Retires


The 3000-seater E.K. Kyei auditorium overflowed with ministers, their spouses, officers, relatives, and well-wishers as they gathered to honour the outgone Tarkwa Area Head of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker, and his family. After 31 years of dedicated ministerial service, Apostle Dr. Walker gracefully ended his active service in a grand retirement ceremony.

The overwhelming turnout was a testament to the impact of a man who served in various capacities, touching countless lives both within and beyond Ghana. Over the last three decades, his ministry spanned multiple roles, including membership on the Executive Council of The Church of Pentecost and serving as a Rector and first Vice Chancellor of Pentecost University.

In a remarkable display of respect and admiration, traditional rulers of the Apemtu Traditional Council graced the occasion in their full regalia to honour the man they praised for his humility, selflessness, and unwavering service.

The service was officiated by the General Secretary of the Church, Apostle Samuel Obuobi, who lauded Apostle Dr. Walker for his extraordinary service to God through the Church. He described him as one of the finest gentlemen the Church has ever produced.

In a sermon titled “An Unworthy Servant,” based on Luke 17:10, Apostle Obuobi emphasised that the call to Christian leadership is a call to servanthood.

He noted that while many leaders lord themselves over their followers, Christian leaders are called to serve, with Jesus Christ being the ultimate example of a servant leader.

He reminded the congregation that true servanthood means serving without expecting rewards or commendation, and viewing service as a response to God’s grace and love.

He, however, assured that God, who is just, will reward everyone for their labour of love.

“As a Christian leader, you are a servant, and as a servant, all that is expected of you is to serve your Lord wholeheartedly in humility and obedience. Leave the rest to Him. For God knows what to do,” Apostle Obuobi emphasised.

Apostle Obuobi assured Apostle Dr. Daniel Okyere Walker and Mrs. Irene Odi Walker of God’s immeasurable reward for their dedicated service in His vineyard.

The couple’s journey in full-time ministry began in 1993 at Kojokrom, where they served for a year. They were then transferred to Shama (1994-1995), brought back to Kojokrom (1995-1999), and later served at Ebenezer Worship Centre, Anyaa in Accra (2000-2003).

Their other postings included Mount Olives Worship Centre, Santa Maria, Accra (2003-2005), New Fadama Worship Centre, Accra (2010-2013), Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Kaneshie (2013-2016), Associate Minister at PIWC, Kokomlemle (2016-2020), and Tarkwa as Area Head (2020-2024). Between 2005 and 2010, they also served in Telford, UK, as student missionaries.

Alongside his pastoral duties, Apostle Dr. Walker was a distinguished academic, teaching at Pentecost University and holding various leadership positions, eventually rising to the office of Rector.

As the first Vice-Chancellor of the University, he played a pivotal role in securing a Presidential Charter, establishing the institution as a fully-fledged university. His tireless efforts and leadership have earned him the reputation as one of the most decorated Rectors/Vice-Chancellors of the University.

Among the national awards bestowed upon him are the Most Outstanding CEO of Private Universities (2019) by the UMB Ghana Tertiary Awards, and the Best CEO of Private Universities (2019) by the Ghana Industry CEO Awards, Business Executive category.

In 2021, he was also honoured with ‘The Baron’ by the Business Executive Excellence Awards for his exceptional contributions to the business sector of the Ghanaian economy and the Church.

During his tenure as Vice-Chancellor, Apostle Dr. Walker was elected to the Executive Council, serving from 2018 to 2023 with grace. He also served as the Coordinator for the Western and Western North Coordinating Committee from 2020 to 2023.

Additionally, he has served on several boards and committees within the Church and is currently the Chairman of the National Literature Committee.

A testimony read by Apostle Dr. Dela Quampah on behalf of the General Council of the Church described him as an “illustrious son of The Church of Pentecost,” highlighting his integrity, genuine kindness, modesty, selflessness, and diligence throughout his 31-year service.

The tribute also recognised Mrs. Irene Odi Walker for her exceptional role as a supportive partner throughout their ministerial journey.

The General Secretary then presented a certificate plaque and the official retired minister’s license to Apostle Dr. Walker.

During the service, the staff and management of Pentecost University, led by the Vice-Chancellor, Apostle Professor Kwabena Agyapong-Kodua, acknowledged Apostle Walker’s contributions to the University and presented a citation to him. The Women’s Ministry, Area Presbytery, and Pastorate of the Tarkwa Area also took turns to eulogise the couple, presenting citations as well.

A notable highlight of the event was when the retired ministers present welcomed the couple into their “family,” leading them in a processional dance during the service.

The event was indeed a glorious experience, featuring powerful song ministrations and prophetic messages. The protocol team was efficient, the media team was well-organized, and the mass choir was angelic both in appearance and in ministration.

Overwhelmed with joy and surrounded by his surviving siblings, and relatives from Ghana and abroad, Apostle Daniel Walker remarked, “Today, I have seen that I am truly loved by many.”

He also magnanimously acknowledged the various individuals (both deceased and alive) who have played key roles in his life and ministry.


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