Sawla Area Ends 2019 Apostolization With Environmental Care Campaign


The Sawla Area of The Church of Pentecost, under the leadership of Pastor William Ohemeng-Kwakye, ended the 2019 Officers’ Retreat (Apostolisation) with a grand clean-up exercise.

This year’s retreat was under the theme, “I Will Build My Church’’ (Matthew 16:18, Titus 2:13-13). It commenced from Monday, 18th to Saturday, 23rd March, 2019.

The Ministers’ and wives session started from Monday to Wednesday at the Sawla Central assembly. The officers and leaders joined the ministers from Wednesday evening to Friday at the Changbalyiri Central.

The guest speakers were Apostle Emmanuel Kwesi Acquah (PIWC, Kokomelemle) and Pastor Paul Danso (Dean of Students, Pentecost University College).

The topics treated were; The nature of the church, the leadership of the church, the missions of the church, the life of the church, the marks of the early church and the church and the Christian home.

Activities for the retreat included teachings and prayers, workshops on vision 2023 document and implementation, launching and distribution of Ministerial Handbook to officers, launching of Environmental Care Campaign and clean-up exercise.

Present at the launch of the environmental care campaign on Friday were officials from Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District Assembly, District Sanitation officer, Zoomlion Coordinator, Ghana Health Service, representative of the Member of Parliament, Ministers and wives in the area, etc. There was a grand massive clean-up exercise in collaboration with Zoomlion Ghana Ltd at the Sawla township and at the chief palace.

In address, the Environmental Sanitation officer of the district congratulated the Church for the campaign and admonished other religious organisations to learn from The Church of Pentecost to keep the environment clean.

The Area Head, Pastor William Ohemeng-Kwakye, on behalf of the Chairman of the Church, thanked the Member of Parliament, Hon. Andrew Chiwitey Dari, Zoomlion Ghana Ltd, the chief, the District Assembly, other churches and church members for their support to make environmental care a responsibility for all and sundry.

Report by Overseers Francis Kofi Gyimah & Ezekiel Amoako Yeboah.

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